Dell Cousins

Well-argued case, chief.

Van Sant's "Finding Forrester," from a few years later, makes "GWH" look like "Battleship Potemkin."

(Granted: I've never found any of his books apart from "Catch-22" and "Something Happened" deeply special.)

I strongly second the "Something Happened" recommendation.

Robin Williams is afflicted with Affected Crisp Elocution Syndrome. It keeps me from enjoying his "serious" roles. I just keep hearing Mork approximating Earthling speech.

Bingo on "Life Is Sweet." It made my face burn with fear and shame the first time I saw that scene. "Empathy," I guess.


Plus, as he threatens Damon, he calls him "chief."

Hey, Mike…
I'd never see anything quite like those 50 seconds you single out and describe so well.

"Assuage" - is the sound a hot, juicy sausage makes when you press it down on the griddle.


Not that you aren't entitled to that opinion, but a recent rewatching of "Animal House" made me realize that it's just not very funny, gets over on rude attitude alone, and lacks any cerebral dimension whatsoever. The magazine's heavy-duty smarts - not just its willingness to publish pitchers of naked ladies - is what

Babs gives off gayness gamma rays.

"RE: Misspelling …I hear QT really liked the title Inglorious Bastards but wanted to make sure this wasn't seen as a straight up remake of the original but rather "somewhat influenced by". Thus he purposely misspelled it."

"Some day soon a 'film scholar' will write an essay about why they are spelled in such a manner through looking way too far into the film's 'subtext.'"

"a spaghetti Western, an early-'80s music video, or as broad comedy."

Guest is a National Lampoon alumnus
And there's plenty of choice, golden-age-of-Lampoon parody and satire here.

Barbra Streisand's and Elliott Gould's EXTREMELY gay son is in this flick…
He's pretty cute, too, in a whiny, obnoxious, punchable kind of way.

"The President is a N…!!!" (*CLANG!!!*)

When this came out, Short was soaking up most of the ink.