Dell Cousins

The better to fist Cera with
Look at the forearm on that bitch!

Good point. Except that when he "acts" (writes a review) he is not consciously "acting in accordance" with anything except his own opinion. To act in accordance with something per se (like a consensus) requires prior knowledge of it. Usually a film review is written before such knowledge is even possible.

Easily one of the more cogent Huffington Post pieces ever.

How profound!
It's got a prologue and an epilogue!

And "Hasta whatever!" is said by either Bill Paxton or Bill Pullman!

And let us not forget that Sands is some sort of horrible, man-eating, sodomizing insect-thing in "Naked Lunch."

"Twi, Twi Again"

I hope he does, and writes an entire harrowing yet wry memoir about the experience.

"…Stomping on other people's fun is more bitchy than I'm prepared to be. "

Porkchop Sandwich, you are annoying-licious.

TWO black guys tricked out as TWO white girls?
Well, that'll certainly give the upcoming Michael Jackson biopic a run for its money.

Give the suffix "-riffic " a goddamn rest.
For fuck's sake.

"There came a point in the creation of my memoir …"
Oh, shut up.

I tried striking up a conversation with Lynda Barry at a party once. I was immediately shut down, brushed off like a housefly. I don't remember her exact words, but they were sarcastic and amounted to "get lost."

Stroszekian: "How about Tom Waits does the complete Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris? "

Indeed. In fact, I'd have sworn HIS take was the seed from which the article grew.

I was disappointed with Zwigoff's handling of Clowes, so bring on Lynch by all means.

…"The Frankenstein Brothers."

Did Altman propose
casting Peter Falk and Sterling Hayden in "Champions," or was that Rabin's notion? Either way, good choices. I'd never have pictured them in the roles, but good choices. My mind's-eye Dwayne Hoover is more of a cipher, a repressed, normal-seeming guy seething within - like Dylan Baker in

Internet Point to Ponder: Why do I keep seeing "Malcolm X" spelled "Malcom X?"