Dell Cousins

The picture is bad, yes. Also…
I watched the trailer. Yi doesn't seem to move her lips, teeth or tongue when she talks, except to peel her lips back slightly and lock them in place so the sound can get out.

I'm goan twiddle and twist mah fangers while bein real dinner-theater wit all mah line readins.
But Specially, I ain't goan do nothin with mah hands but twist and wring and twiddle, twist and wring and twiddle, twist and wring and twiddle.

Great news:
According to the New York Times, the white douchebag speculators who thought Harlem would be a great place to live if you could just manage to price the darkies out are now running around with their asses in a tin pail.

Isn't every single AVC essay
by this guy a mini-memoir?

The dreadfully detergent-like name "Hydrox" never belonged on anything edible. That's why they're gone.

Man, the licking flames of fire! in that plane crash scene
were almost as convincing as the CGI orgiers in Kubrick's last film.

Tina Fey? (???)

"…She said the Garden of Eden's no place to be alone
So from the rib of the madame came Adam full grown.
As time went by this groom and bride
Followed the instructions, and multiplied.
She'd hunt, he'd cook, she'd work, he'd play
While she administered the government, he crocheted.

(White guy scat singing over minimal percussion:)

one main man!

"Harry Knowles and His Grotesque Ilk"

I can't wait to Google the above posts, to figure out what everyone is referring to! What a time I'll have!

"Crowd-pleasing" *and* "conceptual" !! Oh, boy!

Isn't this one of those
all too rare films now playing at a theater near you that someone - anyone - will find worth discussing in a year's time? Anyway, I try to make those calls as best I can amidst the hype of the moment. This, "Hurt Locker," and Depp's new one are my nominees at the moment. Am I overlooking

I'm leary.

The words
"longer" and "unembeddable" have never complemented one another more nicely.

First ten seconds?
This thing was blocked by a high school drama club director.

It had no laugh track, so you were not cued into what you were supposed to find funny or not. It let you make up your own mind about the weirdness in front of you. Rather unsettling show, and unforgettable. I'd rank this as Lear's best.

My thoughts exactly.

"Pop is a hardhat
Mom's an exec.
Sis is a nun
And Junior is gay.