Dell Cousins


Notes from Underground is heaven-sent for newcomers who would like a strong cup of FD without committing to a massive novel. If you aren't blown away by it, proceed no further.

Only 220 comments?
You're all a bunch of slackers! Slackity slackity SLACK!

Let's put it this way: for future reference, I've gauged the height of the railing on a major metropolitan bridge. A high one.

Yes, Cuddy's Menorah : I've read about the House/Holmes parallels. They are extensive.

Geez, things are bad enough.
Lighten up on the suicide talk.

"If you were talking to a girl who lived down in the village, and you said 'I live in the city' and mentioned Forrest Hills or Bayside or some such place, she would laugh at you and pointedly tell you that you DON'T live in the city."

Where the heck do you live. man?

After years of listening to "Congratulations," I still hear no melody for most of it. That's not a bad thing. It has a strange, meandering quality.

is a lot less overbearing than Lewis. The match goes to Petrillo.

"Has to be a reason for that. "

Wow, an article on Schamus was a good call. Look at all the enthusiastic response! Tarantino, eat your heart out!

(Not to flog Warren and his harmless misstatement. It's just that my reading comprehension is fine. Thanks anyway for your kind concern, Arggh.)

Arggh: "Dude said he had lived in Queens AND nassau county, he was referring to nassau county outside of queens and comparing the two. Motherfuckers need to brush up on reading comprhension."

Just another
Hollywood HOMO-cideā€¦

He's one of a handful of filmmakers
that have really made me want to punch them.

I'll take them both
Where do I send the money???

Succinct. Try it more often.

Ooooh. And TV Tropes has a "random entry" button, so you don't have to stop browsing when you've run out of things you want to look up and/or have too short an attention span to go through all the entries in order. Insidious.

House obviously bluffs and bullshits a lot. When it turns out he was mistaken about an assertion, he shrugs it off and moves on. As well he should. He's just doing the best he can, which in his case is quite good.