Dell Cousins

Personal of the Day
Most humbling moment: "Teaching disabled children swimming lessons."

And don't forget:

I used to have a nightmare of suddenly finding myself, at night, up to my neck in the middle of a really industrialized stretch of river. Maybe canal is more proper, because the edges of the river are completely squared off and made of rusted iron. I think this commercial either played on that phobia or caused it.


The music is pretty - unsettling. And William Conrad booming "People start pollution. People can stop it." doesn't put one at ease either.

Sesame Street: I-Beam

I saw that film two years ago, at age FORTY-FIVE, and it was almost too heavy for me to take. Real life evil beats fictional evil, hands down.

Yes, that would have been hot. Last 5 minutes of show, just the sound of them rutting.

The whole of the original "The Fly"
…Is pretty heinous stuff for a kid to wrap his head around, but the last two minutes ("HELP ME!! HELLLLP ME!!) still gives me the f*ckin' willies.

"Actor Billy Bob Thornton of the movie 'Manure' poses for a portrait at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, January 20, 2009 "

If Geek Girl did not exist, Man would have had to invent her.

"It's regional. Over here—North America, I guess— it's considered grammatically incorrect to use a semi-colon as a 'strong comma'. "

Wow! That geek girl knows how to deploy the subjunctive AND is a pretty, pretty princess!

But that very same comma would undoubtedly be correct if the headline ran:

Before I watched the video, I thought BBT was doing most of the talking, not this band member guy. Everyone must watch the video.

Not at all comparable. Gross does feed Simmons' fire by being such a student-body president prig.

Primadonna Douchebag
"Naw, we don't tote our drums around at 6 o'clock in the morning."

Just think…
This attractive, and with Quincy Jones for a dad? Just think what a looker she'd be if Peggy Lipton had mated with an attractive male!

Call Me Philistine
I've reached the age where I've tried enough foreign art films to feel sure I need never see one again. This one looks like a good place to catch up on my sleep.

I could put an old girlfriend of mine in stitches with my Cancer Boy impression, and very often did.