Dell Cousins

Absolutely Wonderful Film
I never really watched The Kids' TV show, but I love this movie to pieces. Rabin gets to the heart of the matter when he tells us that the film attempts nothing less than an epic satire of an entire society. Sure it could never in a million years add up to a perfect film. But show me a film

In fact Rogen is building a career around his fatty schtick; it's not like I'm hitting him below the belt by referencing that. And I figured while he's at it, he might do something constructive, something we ALL can embrace, like eat Jennifer Aniston.

Ween does a song called "Bananas and Blow," a Buffett pastiche if I'm not mistaken. Damn funny in any case.

I want to thank each and every commenter to the AVC for ridding me of the crippling, naive delusion that we live in a society not entirely consumed by backstabbing, cannibalistic cynicism.

Especially not that nice young woman who churns out all those boring "Hater" articles.

That's for goddamn sure. I'm not on deadline. I can post or not post. I post when I have something to say, which no AVC staff member can claim.

I can assure you, you are far from the only gay commenter, which may pose some competitive challenge to your being awarded the AVC Buttboy position.

I'll do it it for one dollar, but you have to make me mayor of New York City first.

Hey, GH:

-Thomas Frank, The Baffler

HELLGA, Yeah!!!
MvsA? One grade above "Madea Goes To Jail?" I'm so there.

I want to see him eat Jennifer Aniston during an especially pathological eating binge.

Jade was the lowest tabloid ridicule fodder, and rightly so, 'til she got cancer, then everybody got all "Candle in The Wind" over the cunt-brained cunt.

TuxedoMonkey sez: "Captain EO. The part between the start and the finish."

Pokes Buttington: What the hell is a "borderline cultural phenomenon?" Something we almost know about, but not quite?

Jorge Von Salsa sez: "Guess again. It's their only answer to piracy and the home theater 'splosion so far."

alyxandr sez: "And the enormous, flabby blob on the right appeals to white folk. Racist, yet disturbingly plausible. "

He's not at all likable. He's a comedian who's not funny. At all. What's to like about that? Please, please, please - someone try to get him hooked on drugs.

And what's with this "NYYCUH?" I get no hits on Google. Is the meaning only revealed by the Homo Club after I've been fisted for the first time? Does someone, in fact, withdraw the definition from someone's exit ramp at the proper moment, neatly typed on notebook paper, thickly slathered with "digestible" Crisco?

You mean you're all gay? I don't mind, just know that I don't like being hit on. Keep your libido out of my face.