
Wasn't there already a remake of The Raid? I think it was called Dread..

Thats the line that really turns it for me, it takes it from a song about growing up and adjusting to a new world view to a song that seems to disavow and disapprove of it's more radical fanbase.

Most of the songs White Crosses sound amazing live, but the album just doesn't do it for me. The production just seems off.

Yeah. It was such a great show. I actually had to get escorted outside by security for a few minutes after I almost passed out from the heat and energy of the crowd, combined with getting kicked in the head by a crowd surfer.

No one is asking a reviewer or writer to ignore LJG's transition in a discussion of this album. The criticism is about framing her as a former man rather than a trans woman. being trans will not always be, and usually isn't,relevant to the story at hand. Framing all discussions of the work of trans people as being

That would be a lot funnier if Mark Wahlberg hadn't beaten a man blind for being South East Asian.

Is there any mention of Mark Wahlberg's hate crime?

I agree completely with brevity and energy are definitely vital to a solid against me! record, but I could watch them preform for hours. White Crosses as a whole really disappointed me, especially "I Was a Teenage Anarchist" which felt like a giant fuck you told old fans.

As there is no monolithic trans* experience and person the way a person feels about their previous name, body, and gender are going to vary.

The NYT method is the preferred style for discussing or citing ones assigned gender and name, but it is not something you should be doing often. It should really only be brought up if relevant.

Probably not since that is the name the work is published under, but when talking about past work its the right thing to do to use her correct name

I think the exact runtime is like 29:47. They have never been a band known for lengthy work. Usually an AM! album is a series of rapid gut punches.

I saw them for the 5th time over the last 12 years this Sunday and this may have been the best performance the band has ever given. Laura Jane is energized and engaging in a way she hasn't been since Searching for a Former Clarity and the introduction of Inge from Refused has rounded out the live sound impressively. I

Please stop using "Tom Gabel" to refer to Laura Jane Grace in the past tense. It is offensive, insensitive, it negates her identity as a trans woman, and it seems to be in violation both the AP and Washington Post style guides as well as the GLAAD media guide. Transition is pertinent when discussing this album, but it

Is this built around Hella Nervous by Gravy Train!!!!? If so that is pretty exciting.

Artists have been making art about important vital events in there life forever. I would imagine that you have never actually spent any time struggling with gender or what it means for you, but the struggle she is documenting here is powerful and the work speaks for itself.

The Great Intelligence is not just Lovecraftian but an actual factual Lovecraft creation Yog-Sothoth.

The Great Intelligence is not just Lovecraftian but an actual factual Lovecraft creation Yog-Sothoth.

The sound round about Nashville was really, really good but that is something we tend to do very well. I enjoyed Icky Blossoms quite a bit, it was also only the 3rd day of the tour and they were still incredibly excited.

The sound round about Nashville was really, really good but that is something we tend to do very well. I enjoyed Icky Blossoms quite a bit, it was also only the 3rd day of the tour and they were still incredibly excited.