
I really didn't enjoy them that much. I saw them in Nashville about two weeks ago on that same tour. I feel like it might have been a problem with the order of the line up though, because they were sandwiched between two comparatively high energy acts (the faint and icky blossoms.)

I really didn't enjoy them that much. I saw them in Nashville about two weeks ago on that same tour. I feel like it might have been a problem with the order of the line up though, because they were sandwiched between two comparatively high energy acts (the faint and icky blossoms.)

1 Frank Ocean- Channel Orange
2 Dan Deacon- America
3 Kendrick Lamar- Good Kid M.A.A.D. City
4 Lana Del Rey- Born to Die
5 How To Dress Well- Total Loss
6 Shout Out Out Out Out- Spanish Moss and Total
7 Todd Snider- Agnostic Hyms and Stoner Fables
8 BJ the Chicago Kid- Watermelon Now Later
9 The Mountain Goats- Transcendental

1 Frank Ocean- Channel Orange
2 Dan Deacon- America
3 Kendrick Lamar- Good Kid M.A.A.D. City
4 Lana Del Rey- Born to Die
5 How To Dress Well- Total Loss
6 Shout Out Out Out Out- Spanish Moss and Total
7 Todd Snider- Agnostic Hyms and Stoner Fables
8 BJ the Chicago Kid- Watermelon Now Later
9 The Mountain Goats- Transcendental

It's not uncommon for that sort of thing to happen. People get paid off and accusations go away. The same thing happened with Isaac Brock.

It's not uncommon for that sort of thing to happen. People get paid off and accusations go away. The same thing happened with Isaac Brock.

I am not in anyway defending Chris Brown, simply pointing out the double standard in the way these men are treated publically. Chris Brown is generally vilified, with good reason obviously, but Rob Lowe was filmed having sex with teenage girls, Sean Penn tortured Madonna, Charlie Sheen shot his ex wife, and Michael

I am not in anyway defending Chris Brown, simply pointing out the double standard in the way these men are treated publically. Chris Brown is generally vilified, with good reason obviously, but Rob Lowe was filmed having sex with teenage girls, Sean Penn tortured Madonna, Charlie Sheen shot his ex wife, and Michael

Sean Penn. Charlie Sheen. Michael Fassbender. Rob Lowe. All four of these dudes have beaten, tortured, shot, and sexually assaulted women and they are all icons and celebrated. Charlie Sheen arguably less than the others, but the point still stands. Care to play spot the difference between them and Chris Brown?

Sean Penn. Charlie Sheen. Michael Fassbender. Rob Lowe. All four of these dudes have beaten, tortured, shot, and sexually assaulted women and they are all icons and celebrated. Charlie Sheen arguably less than the others, but the point still stands. Care to play spot the difference between them and Chris Brown?

A surprisingly enjoyable musician. Nothing really special, but pleasant.

A surprisingly enjoyable musician. Nothing really special, but pleasant.

1 The Crane Wife
2 Castaways
3 King is Dead
4 Picaresque
5 Hazards 
6 Her Majesty
1 5 Songs
2 Always the Bridesmaid collection
3 Picaresqaties
4 The Tain
5 Long Live The King

@avclub-e461188685e7bd9c59c70a633bd2111d:disqus maybe I should have used the phrase casual sexism, as it would have been more accurate, but the sentiment still stands. I'm not saying that anyone here hates women, but our culture as a whole devalues anything coded as feminine.

I really feel like there is a lot of casual misogyny going on in this thread. Reality tv is viewed as the purview of women. and like most things deemed feminine it is deemed unworthy of examination or respect. They may not be your cup of tea and yes, most of them are frivolous and inane but most of television shows

This has actually been on Netflix for a little whil;e now. I saw it a few months ago. I would agree with most of the review, but not all of the music was bad. I enjoyed The Roots and Joss Stone's covers.