
Maybe Scott had a secret crush on Petra and wanted to give her a baby.

I expected her to go on a rampage given her desperation and inability to get through to Jessica (looping «I can't leave here», it felt like she was prevented from saying more), but by that point everyone had seemingly relaxed and I had forgotten about it :(

Alison's headspace is showtunes: http://www.redeyechicago.co… , including tracks from JC superstar and les Miz and links to the other three. Most interesting is Cosima's playlist, she has good taste.

Moya being alive is a cool concept but not something that is easily shown or reflected in the sets (I didn't really buy Serenity being a character in her own right for the same reason; it's cool if it helps the writers but it would take a hell of a lot to earn that concept with the viewers). The symbiosis makes this

Yup. Totally clear to this first-time watcher. Crais' lack of honour fits with what we've seen of him in That Old Black Magic. He manages to look both smug and insecure while turning on Crichton ten seconds after giving his word. Glad Aeryn picked up on some of his character; it seemed very stupid that lieutenant Teeg

Thank god it's friday, again and throne for a loss had characters acting out of character through drugs, exodus from genesis had facsimiles, back and back and back had a spy who seemed like she was doing hypnosis (plus the general trippiness of the disjointed story telling). I ET and PK tech girl are about the only

Variations is up for a Hugo (dramatic presentation, short form). I hope it gets it, I found it much better than the Dr Who nominations.

Yeah, somewhere between purple and plum.

She said the opposite at one of her screen actor's guild Q&As. The second one if I recall correctly, done after filming season two: https://youtu.be/rhHMcuQhjGE.

Is that what's going on in the mind of Emmy voters?

He has only been incompetent in the last episode. His earlier brush-offs were masterful: never-never land, it's not all about you that was work on the phone. It's just the right combination of not caring and putting down Alison's insecurities.

It's a whole life endeavour (yay longitudinal studies!). Anybody and anything that happens from the time the parents walk into the fertility clinic could be manipulated by the Dyad institute.

The police's lead so far was the cowboy guys, the one who died at the diner and the one who took Helena out of the hospital and was caught on security footage. Somehow they made the link to the right cult location. Perhaps David shared something with the police to help them get there faster. He got a license plate out

Outside of Orphan Black work her hair is quite light and curly, I think Jennifer comes closest to that.

What is the point of farming if not to make them mostly self-sufficient, cut from the rest of the world and from law enforcement?

Depends how much time was spent being raised by Sarah vs Mrs S — Sarah and her demons probably didn't make for the most nurturing environment.

Yeah I'm happy that the plot points get out of the way fast, keeping things fresh and unpredictable. But Kira had seen Sarah interacting with Cal for all of five seconds and that borders on paranormal skills.

She's been in therapy, you know.
Under false pretenses, and scamming the therapist for all she got. It was kind of like the opening of Cruel intentions.

Yeah, she would put Kira above her own safety. Not sure what Daniel was thinking.