
I like your ideas on how to balance the clones, with specialness and limitations. However, I'd like the writers to be consistent with Kira, who maybe has better than average genes. Make her top percentile in a few domains (particularly if it can fit her upbringing), don't give her superpowers.

She's there to put pressure on the other characters. Leaving a trail of bodies, theft victims, buried cases isn't smart and is going to catch up with the clones and their allies. The Dyad and Daniel, on the other hand, seem immune to the law.

They are supposed to monitor, not manipulate. And it doesn't seem stupid; spies to spies backchannels smoothed things up during the cold war.

Leekie is clearly more of a marketer than a scientist. I mean: that Plato routine, the funny interview quip that spawns a social movement, the neurolingual chip nonsense. He does make sense as a public face, but I'm glad that the lobbying (Korea, the supreme court) is done by someone who can at least pretend to be

That hexcell window looks like this is the scientific part of the
Prolethian compound. I'm guessing the deed will be done with a syringe.

I personally trust him above Felix. Abandoning Alison is highly flaky of Felix, whereas Art has been very dependable and predictable which will make him a useful ally (now that Sarah has accepted his offer). He's going to suffer for it though.

https://youtu.be/4rALHr8gV1E has a three-clone scene, less explanations than the orange slicing scene and no contact between clones, but you can see a few green screens and how the dolly aligns things perfectly. This demo reel has a ton of back and forth flipping and shows how things are composited.

Splitting and transferring blastocysts to a donor womb is much easier than cloning an adult, and plausible with 30 years old assisted reproduction tech. The initial blastocyst may develop slightly better than the transferred ones (immunology, and maybe some adaptations that only work when mother and child share

fuckity, all my comments on this page from my AVClub account have been lost.

Didn't downvote, but "also offered evidence" seems like you reframe the wall of text you're replying to as evidence of racism.

It's very flexible: a madman with a box, all of time and space.
The writers run with it: an Agatha Christie murder mystery, dinosaurs on a spaceship, a pleasure planet quarantined and turned into Portal, an industrial facility that uses prosthetic bodies, a dive into US mythology that ties together the Apollo program