
I assumed that was Padre Pio, rather than [a] Jesus.

Especially after they've figured out who you all are because of all the face to face meetings they seem to have.

Charles Dance was a great Vetinari but I just didn't click with Going Postal. Hogfather was good but I just didn't enjoy the follow ups.

I was amused by how flimsy looking those Bajoran tombstones were.  Like some kind of reject Bat'leth.  A strong breeze would blow them down.

"He said, 'I can smell your Brunt.'"

"Oh my! That is quite toxic, isn't it?"

Or Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip from Terry Pratchett's the Truth.

The digital prostitution thing puts me more in mind of Gibson than Dick; it's very reminiscent of Molly Millions days as a meat puppet.

@Brainlock We have seen Sansa praying next to the stump of a Weirwood tree.  The scene where she has that chat with Margaery about the Porridge Plague.

In fairness I'd consider shiving someone in the back "sneaky shit".  (S)He was being consistently Breen; just happened to be on the good guys side for once.

The thing is they could have discharged him from Star Fleet.  Doesn't mean he couldn't have stayed on as the/a station doctor.

We're only 6 years out from Bladerunner.

Yeah, I think his annoyance was that these twists came out of nowhere for him.  Had he known he may have played things slightly different in the past.

There was that scene in the episode with Bashir and Jake Sisko on the frontlines ('Nor To The Battle The Strong' I think?) where they go off to get a big heavy battery that will take two to carry and Jake does a runner.

I did love Odo's interrogation of Kira.  He really seemed to be enjoying it.

I really enjoy Only Connect, it's rock hard (Well, the missing letters round isn't too bad) but I come away with a sense of accomplishment if I can even get one connection correct.

But wasn't there that episode of TNG were they discover that all (or some) humanoid life in the galaxy were all seeded by a precursor race? So if we've got DNA then they've got it too.

Bashir's an absolute monster.  I love it.

See also; Night of the Hunter.
