
If Psychic powers get your goat then Judge Dredd is probably not for you, 'cause that's pretty much the least out there thing it's got going on.  I mean, if this movie makes enough money for sequels then the Dark Judges are gonna show up eventually and there's nothing hard-science-fiction about them at all (I hope).

If Psychic powers get your goat then Judge Dredd is probably not for you, 'cause that's pretty much the least out there thing it's got going on.  I mean, if this movie makes enough money for sequels then the Dark Judges are gonna show up eventually and there's nothing hard-science-fiction about them at all (I hope).

Well, I loved this movie.   Happily sat through it a second time.  It's worth noting that all the positive reviews on RT (89% atm but I expect it to trend down a bit) aren't just from comic-book fanboy sites but mainly from the British press as it's been out since 7th Sept in UK & Ireland.

Well, I loved this movie.   Happily sat through it a second time.  It's worth noting that all the positive reviews on RT (89% atm but I expect it to trend down a bit) aren't just from comic-book fanboy sites but mainly from the British press as it's been out since 7th Sept in UK & Ireland.

Ran into Rob Riggle in a bar in New York three or four years ago.  It was only a small bar, sat around 30 people and he was in there on his own being a real attention seeking… douche.  Was yelling at the barman about how he had a million Twitter followers at one stage (We checked, he only had 800,000 or so at the

Ran into Rob Riggle in a bar in New York three or four years ago.  It was only a small bar, sat around 30 people and he was in there on his own being a real attention seeking… douche.  Was yelling at the barman about how he had a million Twitter followers at one stage (We checked, he only had 800,000 or so at the