Marshall Banana


If you're ever down on your luck, BonerTime, there's always a job for you at the Republican National Committee.

Reek, Reek, it rhymes with creek.


I was lifting from Rick and Morty, thank you very much!

The 90's called: It wants its "time period wants its thing back" phrase back.

Mark my words, this gimmick account will become the grey goo that subsumes and eventually destroys the A.V. Club comments section.

Most people on the Internet do so under the guise of anonymity. I would assume that most people (yourself included) wouldn't tell someone to go commit suicide if they were posting in a place that had ramifications for their public persona (the Facebook wall of one's own mother, for example).

The invisible hand is what keeps the screen moving forward.

If you made 'em CGI, they could even twerk.

I see in my mind a broken chariot, tumbling through the air in slow motion across a de-saturated CGI background, with a heavy-bass "thowummmmm" on the soundtrack.

You'd think he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything walking around frowning like that all day.

Maybe the show runners realize that *SPOILERS* constantly resurrecting characters thought to be dead is not the best way to consolidate a massive set of storylines that are supposed to be moving toward some kind of conclusion.

The things one does for tax purposes.

"Kerry Edwards"? Is that some kind of amalgam of previous presidential hopefuls John Kerry and John Edwards? Because I'd totally bone that amalgam.

I think the advent of one-man development teams is one of the coolest things about the whole indie game movement: They often produce wonderfully idiosyncratic games with mechanics that jibe with only a small fraction of gamers. When you fall within that demographic, it's amazing.

Tomb Raider: Revenge of the Tomb

To continue with the get-off-my-lawn video game observations: There's a general lack of challenging platforming elements outside of Nintendo exclusives these days.

The best thing about the originals wasn't the triangle pixel-boobs (not particularly awesome, even in 1997), but that the games were more about exploration and platforming than killing half a million faceless bad guys. Now it's like every other generic AAA action game (Now with more grittiness!).

He's like that vaguely described recurring evil that pops out of empty space in Fifth Element.