
@disqus_P9Puxt6RK9:disqus Ah, that makes sense. I was just focusing on Amanda, I didn't realise they were writing stories for Joe, not themselves! Thanks

I would love to have a laser dick.

This show is in a total, relationship-y rut. When was the last time Dallas had a storyline not revolving around George? & when was the last Tessa-George storyline? The show needs to get back to what made it so funny, it's losing it at the moment.

Schmidt's messing up that throw in the tag was funny, but it is nothing compared to GOB trying to get rid of the letter and the dove, which was just perfect: 'return from whence you came'!

No, I get all that, what I was saying was, from Amanda's perspective, she is doing all this as she is pissed at her husband for cheating on her. So for her, would it not make sense to kill people with the name of her husband? I see her whole killing thing in this episode as a catharsis for her and for Joe, but if you

Good call with the arrested thing. Maybe this show will suck more, and when Joe realises Roderick wants to be #1, he'll just kill him as easy as you like.

Actually, it's 'prioritised'….I'm English, old chap.


I get that killing a lot of people called Claire Matthews would get the FBI etc to check in and see if the relevant Claire is ok, so Roderick can trace the call and find her. I get that. Even if that means this small town sheriff has better technology than the FBI/Homeland security etc in this shows universe.

This is exactly what I was thinking! Why the hell did they essentially just join the party? As you say, go turn the music off and cover the exits. Spot the bitches doing the killing and find Claire. Sorted. These FBI dudes are dumber than Andrea

Totally agree, he is the only person left that's worth watching, as he is the cold, dickhead character that would make sense as the leader of a murderous cult.

It was insane, he was laughing at how Jacob was a pussy, turns around giggling to himself, and stabs the shit out of her without any hesitation, as if he was a 15 year old kid, home alone, just jacking it

I agree, he seems to be the only interesting character on the show, as we aren't certain what his deal is. I think he doesn't like Joe banging Emma, and has emphasised his plans to get Joe caught/killed, so he can take over. So season 2 will be FBI vs Joe vs Roderick

I especially blame that one called Harpoon Diner

I do have to say, it made me laugh so hard when she just walked off nonchalantly after harpooning that woman. People in the background prioritised taking their phones out to take pictures over stopping a murderer just walk away!

Finally! The Governor is the asshole that I was promised by so many of the comic readers! The storytelling may have been slow and not great to get to this point, but at least we are there now. I think the writers had 3/4 more episodes than what was needed for this season. The only way now for The Gov is to be more and

It was meant to be a joke, I think I need to work on my delivery.

The bookends of this episode were so reminiscent of S1, I loved it, the middle was boring, but a build up for the final few episodes of the season, which should be fun.

From the Walking Dead? So they survive and kill all the zombies?

To me, this article seems really strange, as each criticism of the show is then defended, making the initial point moot.