
What about the episode of Workaholics called 'Real Time'…now that was tight butthole.

Ah ok. See in the UK, they will show it live, irrespective of what time that would be. They will then have a highlights show at around 7pm, which the majority of people will be able to watch, and if not, able to record for later.

Hang on, wait, are you telling me that in USA, they don't show the Winter or the Summer Olympics live? Really? Is that because ratings would suck if they did? If so, that's pathetic.

Lincoln Lawyer anyone? Great movie

Actually, it wasn't the BBC that made 'Black Mirror', it was Channel 4. Get your facts straight, America!

For Americans, it is 'recruiting. For Muslims, it is 'brainwashing'.

Agree with that. She was so hot in the proposal episode last season, and just look at that picture for this article, she is hot…and JLD is super hot too, but Amy is hotter!

Amy Poehler is seriously so damn hot

I love the competitions to work out the draft order…where was that in this episode?

How is there a conversation about TV characters who refuse to die without mention of T-Bag from Prison Break?! The ultimate television character who just wouldn't die!

With your last conversation being:

I want to shake him by the hand.

So long as the season as enough flashbacks of the Mother and flashforwards of all 3 couples, there's no problem with this concept.

This show is ok, it is tolerable. Certainly not as brilliant as all the critics make it out to be, but wow, this show tries so desperately hard to be funny and different, but rarely lands the joke and is so damn predictable 90% of the time. Well that's my opinion anyway.

Elizabeth Mitchell is so damn talented. She can play the innocent, lovely, caring woman/mother so well, and as seen on this episode, she can play determined, crazy and strong too. She's a great actress that needs a better show than this to showcase her skills.

I must have been the only person underwhelmed with the reveal. Yes it was great to finally see the mother after all these years, but all this pining from Ted was for her? As superficial as it sounds, her? Really? She's not really that pretty, I would have at least though that the mother would have been hot.

Wait….that's not what Super Clyde was about?!

So does this mean Super Clyde with Rupert Grint has been officially axed?

Honey, another dance movie, with Jessica Alba