You yanks chat such bollocks, it's unreal.
You yanks chat such bollocks, it's unreal.
I'm not sure killing Spartacus is really in her best interests. At this stage of the story, won't killing Spartacus just accelerate the doom she is running away from?
I really enjoyed this episode, not a classic or anything, but did make me laugh a fair few times. In particular, seeing Jean Ralphio sing so hard that he forced Ben to fall over was amazing!
What a flat out hilarious episode!
For a show by Chuck Lorre, I was gobsmacked by that episode, so much heart. The scene where they all told their stories was fantastic, and I'd like to think that Amy's story was the truth, but I love the fact that we didn't find out.
I normally agree with all you guys who comment, but this time I don't. I thought this episode was hilarious:
I also love it how Ryan has no hesitation whipping out his gun and is so merciless about shooting the fuck out of the place, while the ruthless killing machine that is Joe has to ask for certain whether someone wants to die…who is the real serial killer here?!
Ok so this episode was so bizarre! The review and the comments so far have really made me laugh as they are things I was thinking throughout the episode, but one thing that really bugged me about Charlie's 'sacrifice' was that it wasn't really much of a sacrifice.
Man, didn't that 2nd season of Homeland suck or what! They used up any decent plotlines in the first 5 episodes, and the rest was just one piece of crap after another.
Any episode that doesn't have a 'That's Poe' or 'Classic Poe' or 'He's quoting from (insert Poe work here)' should automatically be a B grade at least
With shooting like his, he must be awesome at those arcade shooting games 'HEAD SHOT!'.
I saw that grandma too! Not only must she love killing, but she needs to find people who she can kidnap, in order to kill! The people that old lady kills must either be as old and decrepit as her, or the dumbest people ever. I just imagine she lures them into her house, under the false pretence of cookies, and as they…
It was nuts how they pretty much knew where they were but chose to bring no backup, these FBI dudes are so dumb!
He really is, not only can he dish out one hell of an arse whooping, but his character is so interesting, as he is the unwilling leader who is slowly realising how important and dependable he is becoming. The sadness that I would feel for the deaths of Spartacus and Crixus would not be measurable compared to if…
If this Naevia dies, in any fashion, this will make this show even more awesome than it already is.
This episode was excellent, with loads of cracking jokes, and my favourite was a visual one:
@avclub-da1a49ac309dbb18368a5badc66673fc:disqus Janet Snakehole would totally be a Follower, as well as Jamm and the Eagleton dicks!
No one in this show measures up to the stupidity levels of the lawyer. Reading that coded message, not telling the authorities about the threats to her, coming back to help Carroll over and over when she should just run away and pretty much just letting a dude choke her to death without any fight.
Can someone actually explain how he escaped? They all watched him get into the truck in person, and they watched it drive away. They had a car with it and a chopper over head…what the fuck happened? Or am I missing something?
What amazed me about her death was that she was strangled by the hand that had 3 fingers broken!