
Ok, my bad, I quickly scanned through the episode again, and saw the animal head carvings, which was clearly that of the battering ram! Duh!

I hope I don't sound too noobish when I ask this, but at the end, the burning gates behind Caesar are being hit by Romans, with a battering ram…has there been mentions of it's construction over this or past episodes? I must have missed them!

At the risk of losing any credibility I have, I actually have been enjoying Guys With Kids a lot throughout this season, it's silly but a lot of fun!

Thank you, come again

It's been 3 episodes and we have not yet seen them in one actual study group session or in one class properly. Wow.

Karl being scared of Shame was my favourite parts, his cowering was hilarious.

The only thing this awesome episode was missing was a scene with the Janitor and Ted - a reunion of the Brain Trust!

It's definitely up there with the best, I would say Parks & Recreation, Happy Endings, Archer and Workaholics as well as The Middle are all killing it right now.

I do have to agree with David Sims' friend, I think Nick is becoming too cartoonish. Otherwise, a very solid episode, Winston killed it for me in the shop, announcing to the shoppers that he needed a condom!

You might as well ask if the President called today…the answer is the same.

Am I the only person that doesn't see the so called 'charisma' that Joe Carroll is meant to have? A British accent ≠ charisma

I too thought he had something on her, blackmail or something, especially how the camera panned down to show him dropping the chain of his 'cuffs onto the table…what was that meant to represent?! Something like blackmail would have made sense as she can't go to the authorities about it, and is forced to do his

To be honest, the way she was babbling on and screeching after she was told to shut the fuck up made me so pleased he put the tape back on her damn mouth. Stupid woman, why speak so loudly? The kidnappers might be able to hear you, you idiot.

I like the character, and I don't mind the actor, I just didn't like his delivery on that line, he seemed to try and evoke emotion far greater that his acting ability would let him, and to me, it just came across really badly.

The 2 moments that I found very cringeworthy were Emily's ''I love you too'' and Nolan's ''I will do anything for Jack''…just so cliched and in Nolan's case, so poorly acted.

It was a good, fun episode for what it was, but the trouble is, Nate was such a rubbish bad guy compared to Tyler, that I didn't care that he died, it really makes no difference to the overall show, whereas I was a bit gutted when Tyler got shot, because he stirred shit up.

My favourites were always:
Nothing Rhymes with Orange & Nothing Rhymes with Blorange

Is there anywhere for me, someone who lives in the UK, to find and watch Burning Love season 1 online?

You are totally right about the foreshadowing of impending doom, the wedding was too happy, it has to lead to devastation and that's what we all expect next week…I mean c'mon, we weren't expected to hear 'After you, Mrs Porter' or whatever, for season after season were we?!

Who is to say only one person dies on the boat? We were only shown a part of one body…my theory is the stupid brother (Nate, I don't mean Jack) and Fauxmanda will both die, with her last words telling Jack that she's not Amanda (similar to ''Not Penny's Boat'') leaving Jack with a shocked look on his face as we fade