Am I the only one that was so disappointed and angry at Crixus' behaviour regarding the 'gladiator' fight he initiated? Seemed a little out of character to me.
Am I the only one that was so disappointed and angry at Crixus' behaviour regarding the 'gladiator' fight he initiated? Seemed a little out of character to me.
I do agree that it is a shame Ashur died so soon, and that at the hands of the awfully actress that plays Naeiva (although I understand that he had to die, he was such a bastard at this point, and Naevia needed a win).
Surprisingly enjoyed this episode a little more than the last few, despite the Raj storyline (plus, I can't stand Amy), but holy crap was the laugh track annoying!
It was funny the first time he said it, not so much when he repeated it.
Last week I was hoping for a more dickhead-ish Jim, and that is exactly what I got in this episode. I know all of his talking on the plane was unrealistic, especially the stewardess who agreed with his 'middle gets 2 armrests' thing, but the fact he was being the prick that I know he is (in character), I enjoyed it,…
''No problems with the baby being fed on a counter?''
This was exactly what I was hoping for. I expected Gloria to tell Alex that neither of her grandmothers smoked, proving the psychic was a fake.
Was it not because Lilly pushed him and said 'My Daddy!' and Luke said 'This isn't over'?
Did Jay seriously bitch that his 1 month old baby couldn't support his own head? Even for this show, that was vindictive. Not to mention how horrible Manny and Claire came across in this episode!
This show would be much better if Dallas left and Dalia moved in with George/Tessa. I miss the pre-whipped George. The one we have now is just a pussy.
Totally agree, the show seems more focused on him than Jim, he does just seem like a normal guy who on occasion will say something dickhead-ish. Need more extreme dick-ness from him, but the trouble is, the handicapped character will have to feature in every episode, and ironically, will handicap the show.
Am I the only one kinda hoping for more episodes where Jim is a dick and fewer episodes of DJ Qualls' character? I'm pretty bored how his character is dominating the show
I don't think they ever mocked him, they just understood how unreasonably bitchy Penny was being.
His reaction to seeing the action figures actually made no sense. He became so smug and delighted that the figures were rubbish, but what the hell has he got to be smug about? He wanted one too, if it weren't for Penny saying 'no' he would have had one too! He should have been relieved, being smug made no sense.
If there is a villain in this show, it is not Sheldon. It is Leonard. He is becoming a straight up arsehole.
Elisha Cuthbert was absolutely killing it these 2 episodes! The only person that can match her awesomeness is Amy Poehler. The 2 deserve Emmy nominations at the very least….with Amy getting it as it is way way way overdue.
Ryan Shay: 'I found an awesome parking spot….we're handicapped, right?'
''Shut your dick holster''
Living in the UK this is not abundantly clear to me, but can someone please tell me why the ratings and demographics etc are so important? Is it in correlation to advertising money? Or something else? (can't be bragging rights!)