
@avclub-bf035fe908df8e23597b6bc1d8503fb6:disqus I'm not sure if that's their intention, but I sure do hate Alex, she is the first person I would get rid of. Haley just seems to take everything in her stride, she's too gormless to be mean, unless it's high school mean, but even that has gone from her now. Yeah Dylan

I dislike those characters for all those reasons, especially your Cam & Mitchell assessment, they really are the most unloving couple. But then I also think Gloria is just loud and annoying, Alex is a total bitch and Jay seems annoyed at everyone. Haley….well Haley, now I think about it, isn't that bad a character

Oh Betty, it had to be you that mentioned cake. Is Fat Betty back?!

Blake's line of 'No more HBO for you, you are cussing way too much lately' with the look he gave made me laugh so hard!

This show has quickly become so mean spirited and not funny, full of arseholes characters (bar Phil).

I have to admit, I seriously cringe so much every time I hear Dallas call George 'Daddy'. It is so gross.

''There will be absolutely no flirting in this office!''
Such a shame the show has been pulled, you can't really blame Fox though, as they gave the show a shot, they didn't mess it around like B-23 on ABC, it just didn't click with the stupid Nielsen families.

It's such a terrible shame that such a genuine funny show did not click with viewers. It really is so funny and warm and probably the first show (spare a few) in a long time where all the characters are funny and likeable.

Maybe it was just me, but I would have thought there would have been more of a narrative towards Ryan finally hooking up with a woman. The show's premise is that he has lost the love of his life, and yet after one drink and some rain, he hooks up? I would have thought there would just be more of an emotional 'letting

To be honest, other than Luke and Phil, they are all becoming pretty unlikeable arseholes

Haha that is exactly what I was thinking, imagine if the ghost just responded with 'yeah, but do the drapes match the carpet? Seriously, DO THE DRAPES MATCH THE CARPET?'

“Does it make you mad that I’m a woman. And that I have red hair in a mine?”

This was exactly what I was going to post! Terrible, stupid comedies like TBBT are getting huge ratings, 2 and A Half Men is getting an 11th year and a comedy as clever, sharp and witty as Happy Endings has been shafted from the moment it aired.

I absolutely loved the first season of this show, arguably the best new show on television. But the quality this season has really dropped dramatically.

I really hope that that is the case, this show is far far too good to be dumped this soon, it's probably the best comedy on tv. Can Ben & Kate come too please?

I agree with this 100%. New Girl seems to be the same show ever time, Nick and Jess aren't perfect, and they learn something about each other every episode (which never get carried over to the subsequent episodes), Schmidt tries to be cool and Winston is irrelevant. I also agree that there a lot of times in this

Since he seemed to single Ben & Kate out, and the fact that it's in competition with The Mindy Project (which Fox seems to be helping by getting Rogen in an episode), I pretty much read it as Ben & Kate being cancelled at the end of the season. Pretty poor decision, since it's a very good show, but then this is the

Television is such a fucked up world when the smart and brilliant Happy Endings is on the brink of cancellation while The Big Bang Theory & 2 and A Half Men are going to be/have been on air for years and years.

How Illuminati was that episode?! Not even subtle any more.

I didn't think much of this episode, but I did find the Breaking Bad/The Wire bit pretty funny as my brother always accuses me of non-stop talking about them! And yes, he mentioned it again after he saw the episode too. In case you were wondering, Breaking Bad > The Wire