Office Dog

ZMF's point is that "characterization" and "exciting plot developments" are not mutually exclusive. Which is completely true. Snobby commenters come around and pretend they didn't think Tortuga's head on an exploding tortoise wasn't fucking awesome, and that they only care about quiet character moments.

I think you meant to address that to Butteri Mansecks, although I do agree it was some touching shit.

I wish they had introduced Renee Walker in season 5 instead of 7. She was an awesome character, a great compliment to Jack, and we didn't get nearly enough time with her before they callously tossed her aside this year. Plus, she could have filled the vacuum of characters for us to care about in season 6.

The only thing ZMF has said that I disagree with is that this was a chore to sit through. It really WASN'T the best of the season, like a lot of intellectual posers are pretending it was, but Walt's monologue about when he should have died and Jesse standing on top of the ladder while Walt almost spills the beans were

I guess technically bhar48069 is correct. They did spend the episode chasing a fly. If your interest in this show stops at what is literally happening on screen, then maybe it's not for you.

Season 5 is as good as action will ever get on TV. If you didn't like that season, then you need awesome lessons.

Criticizing the SMG games for anything other than their level design is like complaining about the frame around a Picasso. These things are mindbending, genre-busting 3D sculptures you can run and jump and play on. Complaining that the multiplayer is sort of tacked on, or that you don't get to use Yoshi as much as

Hey Claude, nobody is making the complaints you're refuting here. There are so many valid criticisms of this finale, but I haven't seen anyone complain that every little mystery wasn't explained or that they made everything up as they went along.

I was hoping against hope for two things to happen:

The smoke monster showed up on the beach on day one. If he was imprisoned in the cabin, he was released before Oceanic 815 crashed.

Will the people who liked it stop accusing us who didn't of "wanting all the answers?" I fucking hated the purgatory bullshit, but it wasn't because it didn't answer any overarching mysteries of the show. You see yourselves as the only ones capable of dealing with ambiguity and everyone who disagrees with you as

*Nerd voice* Technically speaking, if you compare it to season 2 of Arrested Development, I believe you'll find it surpassed both in terms of quality of writing and overall laughs. *pushes up glasses*

Yeah, this is about as good a list as Entertainment Weekly or TV Guide or any other mainstream pop culture publication would put together. Sure, there are some crowd pleasers on it that we could all live without, but there's also some foreign and independent stuff that the Blockbuster & Redbox crowds have probably not

I don't get it. This is just one part of the site. If you don't like it, skip it. I don't really care about Videocracy, but I don't go posting comments there about how they should take it down. Do you think Rabin spent so much time posting this that it took away from his more substantive writing?

I don't understand the criticism over this episode blowing their load. If there isn't enough left to make the rest of the season enjoyable, then give the remaining episodes a lower rating. But tonight was easily the high point of the season (and the best this show has been in a long while). If the rest of the season

You get in a lot of conversations about Final Fantasy with people who aren't nerds, do you?

I would regard Glee with the same untempered hatred I have for American Idol if it weren't for people whose opinions I respect (including Todd) liking it so much. There must be some appeal there beyond being the "brightest, shiniest new thing," but whatever it is, it certainly escapes me.

You find gratuitous sex that unpleasant? Do you watch a lot of movies with your mom?

Excuse me, but exploitation movies are more fun than this shit. Like Kyle says in the article, "If you're going to include a gratuitous sex scene, include a gratuitous sex scene." If the movie sucks anyway then what's the point in going halfway to, but stopping just short of, titillation?

It's as Ann as the nose on Plain's face.