Office Dog

I liked Galileo 7 better than a B, although I agree with all your complaints. There are a few things that redeem the (admittedly horrible) Straw Vulcan contrivances. First, I love Spock, so an episode focused this much on him—even if it is picking on him and his "damned logic!"—is something I've been craving for a

Yeah Noel, who cares about those movies that were nominated for Oscars, the week after the Oscars? Clearly you should know that Hoodwink wants to know about the Avon Barksdale thing and is incapable of looking it up himself! "Bitchass" indeed.

If it's wrong to get a boner over that scene, then I don't wanna be right!

If Avatar wins it's because it made over a bazillion dollars, not because of some desperate producer's pleading emails. Remember when Titanic and Return of the King won every Oscar ever?

Ridiculous. Rube Goldberg machines are creative, clever, and in all other ways awesome. The more elaborate the better!

Seriously, what kind of asshole chastises a stranger in a comment section for calling Hitchcock "Hitch?" Everyone fucking calls him Hitch, you idiot. And I'm pretty sure Hitch didn't really have a problem with the "innocent man wrongly accused" narrative, since half his movies fit that mold. I'm with the senator here:

He who is capable of taking a screenshot and writing "FAIL" on it is never wrong, even when he is demonstrably wrong (and an idiot).

phodreaw—Are you suggesting that the half of Americans who refuse to accept evolution are doing so only to allow werewolves to remain thrilling? I finally feel like I understand them!

Oh, I saw you had your shoes on… I thought maybe you were going to do something.

I second the scissor toss. Michael's enthusiasm when he caught them the first time, grinnging ear-to-ear even though his thumb was right between the blades… Totally great.

Wait, did you hear that?!

Ghost Hunters…
Loved Galactica, love Caprica so far, but can't stand these Ghost Hunters International ads! Is there a dumber show on TV? The "definitive evidence" that ghosts exist consists of reporting the state of their goosebump-iness… at least on fiction shows the writers can make a world where ghosts exist. On

BSG + nudity = YEEEAAAHH!

If only there were some way you could not click on the link…

By all accounts the last 40 minutes of Avatar are a kickass (why the quotes?) action movie too, and he doesn't appear to have liked it one bit. It's possible that ZMF just liked District 9 on its own merits, like the majority of critics and audiences did.

Preposterous. Terminator 2 is the greatest action movie of the 90s, with the possible exception of The Matrix (and if you think that movie doesn't owe a huge debt to T2 then you're dreaming). There have been few movies to this day that can match it in balls-to-the-wall ownage.

What's with all the Cameron haters? Have you not seen Terminator 2 or Aliens? Be sensible and give this man a lifetime pass!

I think Dawkins is saying we'll fall behind in biotech research. Rejecting evolution won't make us fall behind in engineering because there is generally little overlap between the two. But we DID fall behind on stem cell research because our president for 8 years was an anti-science zealot.

Warren Oates—sorry, I was using "infallible" sarcastically. I know Wikipedia isn't 100% reliable (although it's way better than you haters give it credit for).

According to the infallible Wikipedia, your little factoid is from the smear documentary Manufacturing Dissent: "They reported to have found that Moore talked with General Motors Chairman Roger Smith at a company shareholders' meeting, and that this interview was cut from Roger & Me.[2][3] Moore acknowledged having