Office Dog


That was John Hodgman, fool. Hipster license revoked!

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that TDK was without emotion. I completely agree, that scene did pack a punch. I was just pointing to a movie where there seems to be pretty much a consensus of approval and comparing it to this one that people are still forming their opinions about. I've never heard the complaint that The

This is where the analogy to film making is so apt. Nothing you see in movies is real, it's all just manufactured to make you feel something, to plant an idea in your head. But it fucking works!

Chartex is right, both Fischer Sr. and Mal are "shades," but the catharsis Fischer and Cobb experience in dealing with them is very real. I was touched by Fischer's discovery of the pinwheel in the safe, even though I knew it was planted there to trick him. I felt the same when Cobb told Mal he was moving on with his

I think criticizing Batman's voice is valid, but it's really scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as criticisms go. Kind of like a bad wig or aging makeup. It was kind of goofy, but you get over it and enjoy the many, many things that are great about the movie.

Why is "it's a sequel" a valid knock against Toy Story 3? The reason "sequel" is shorthand for "suck" is because most sequels are just cash-ins who settle for making obvious references to the popular movie they are based on. But that isn't necessarily true of all sequels. Nobody says "The Godfather part 2 would be

To me, the goal of breaking up a company wasn't enough to really care about. I wanted Cobb to get back to his kids, of course, but Saito's explanation of why it was so important to eliminate his competition sounded like bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the movie, but at one point during the climax I

Donald, seriously, take the stick out of your ass. bkbroiler is trying, along with everyone else here, to make sense of a challenging film. Why do you have to piss all over everyone because you didn't like it (or have you even seen it?)? You are a killjoy of the worst kind, who thinks your contrary opinion makes you

The people on these boards are generally pretty intelligent. A lot of us, and a few of the people who write for the site, like The Prestige for a lot of different reasons. If you didn't like it, that's fine too (I'm in the minority, it seems, who doesn't care much for Donnie Darko).

I like that you think Hitchens was "asking for" cancer because he was a loud-mouthed atheist, not because he was a chain-smoking boozehound. If you had to try to pinpoint what caused his cancer, you'd go with God over cigarettes, huh?

Most people who hate Hitchens have never read him. They just hear about his contrarian stance on certain issues and assume he's an asshole. He's really very soft-spoken, has a great, very dry sense of humor, and makes good sense even when he's clearly just stirring the hornet's nest. He really is a "lovably

Let's see how much money it makes first. Abysmal reviews don't necessarily mean abysmal performance at the box office.

I thought it was funny, teadoust. In the wise words of Michael Scott, "Of course it was inappropriate, that's why it was a JOKE. There's no such thing as an appropriate joke."

Press the action button while standing next to a ladder to climb it.

The Godfather Part 3 brilliantly satirizes the first two.

Hello, every bad movie ever made is a SATIRE of its own genre. Like, only an idiot doesn't get that.

I agree that it was unambiguous, but I also don't blame people for just making up their own explanations, since that's what they left us to do for all the other mysteries of the show. Besides, I think many of the theories coming from people who missed details of the finale are better than what we actually got. In

Yeah, you're probably right…

Nobody mentioned the distinction between action and character? I only had to scroll up one post to find this gem: "appreciates character and artful direction, and doesn't require guns or fights or cars to become and remain engaged." The snobbery isn't in liking this episode, it's in putting down those who didn't like