
Well, I actually live in that WIlloughby……Twilight Zone fans always mention this episode to me.

I've been watching Cheers for the first time because of these write-ups. Since I was about 3 months old when the show started, I only have a vague memory of the show as it actually aired and my first exposure to anything Cheers-related was by watching Frasier. I tried for several weeks to only watch the episodes that

I hated Logan too. Of course that was around the time that VM was on and I never understood how people could glowing things about Logan….until I realized that they were talking about Logan Echolls.

"I always figured that having Lorelei sleep with Chris at the end of that season was her final fuck you to whoever was going to be left cleaning up the mess in season 7."

Probably, I couldn't remember the line exactly and yes it is even funnier as "aggresively asexual."

I'm also a Glee fan that also likes to mock it and I just loved this episode. I love that they even did the vocalizations going into commercials.

Do you know every aspect of your parents' lives as a kid? I sure as hell didn't and I am betting that Tessa didn't either. Plus, it's a common trope on TV that single parents will try and keep dating, unless it's super serious, from their kids. Tessa wouldn't have even known about Zoe if she hadn't been in Manhattan

I do have to agree with that. It was also unfair to blame the fact that Zoe showed up on Tessa. Sure Tessa invited her, but George told Zoe that Tessa was the reason for the breakup…….

I don't buy the age gap thing because casting people fiddle with age all the time. If you have a teenager as the center of the show, chances are pretty good that you are going to cast someone who is at least 18. Levy passes as a teen in my eyes.

No, no it doesn't to me.

Honestly, I've never seen the perv factor with George and Tessa. They make me think of Veronica and Keith Mars and I don't recall much made about their relationship. Plus, I suspect that a lot of single parents/only children pairs have a fairly close relationship, just look at the Mars and Gilmores.

I honestly agree with you, but some people get super up in arms, even though it's already aired….

I only had one major problem with the episode.

That moment is one of the highlights of the show and the moment that I always point to to show his acting skills. Such a great, great, great moment.

I have no idea. I think that it's harder to make the second one since they have to work around schedules, not a problem the last time.

Count me in on that!

Yeah, I wasn't assuming that that was a definitive statement. It's definitely a friend saying that what he thinks, but it still makes me sad.

A.V. Club, you've made my day by having an interview with Alan Tudyk. I just love him.

Come on, she's going to break up with Ashley and end up going to NYU or Columbia.

I liked this episode a lot. It was pretty light, even with the Cybermen running about and tying everything in to the series long arc. I was happy to see Craig come back. I liked seeing what happened in his life after the Series 5 episode. It's rare that you get to revisit a past character.