Five Alive

Dan Smith, BYU

Dan Smith, BYU

I love Meet Lovers Pizza.

Liz's Dinner
I totally forgot all about Liz's meatball sub, with extra bread! Awesome.

They may not have gotten an advance copy. DVD reviews come out on Wednesday, I expect that we'll see one then.

She's become a surprisingly strong player in the last few weeks. She's my pick to win the million.

The Coen's are a couple of my favorite filmmakers, and I can watch The Big Lebowski at any time.

Good stuff
I love the way that Jenna said the word cougars. And her interaction with her boy toy.

So every letter has a song with it
And the one with GnR is "Mr. Brownstone" and not "Nighttrain"?!?!? What?

I saw these
And briefly thought about getting some. But they were Junior Mints, and I was at 7-11, not the movies. I think I went with 3 Musketeers.

I never watched Twin Peaks
Blasphemy, I know. I ought to track it down and watch this along, and I can give my opinion as someone who's never seen it before.

I thought Galactica was pretty much a given.

I don't think it's going to be reviews so much as a forum to discuss these shows. Sorta like a book club, but with TV.

Sepinwall Did It
But I for one would not be opposed to a rewatching of Freaks and Geeks. Or maybe Undeclared?

Really strong episode. I felt bad for laughing sometimes. Michael has been mean to Toby before, but tossing his lunch? That was pretty harsh.

Fantastic Episode!
Second best of the season, next to Rosemary's Baby.

D? Vermont?

They should at least post something, even if it only says "Blagga Brrrr grrarrgh!" just so us 30 Rock fans have a place to talk about how great an episode it was.

Gotta give it up for Birdman. Especially season 3. There were no good shows on AS at the time, at least not with new episodes. And Birdman just comes up with it's strongest season.

Only ssen ep 1
I hated it. But for some reason I couldn't look away. I do know I did not laugh once. Is it funny if you don't laugh? I don't think so.