Five Alive

-T.I. is gonna be there!
-I'm not really a fan of T.I.
-Fall Out Boy is gonna be there too!
-I love Fall Out Boy

-T.I. is gonna be there!
-I'm not really a fan of T.I.
-Fall Out Boy is gonna be there too!
-I love Fall Out Boy

A better line was JAN HAS PLASTIC BOOBS!

Jim and Michael
I think it's a good layer to add to Jim's character. Maybe he's going to actually try to do something with his life.

Did he just talk to me like I wasn't pretty?

B+ From Me
I think that "Rosemary's Baby" was a superior episode, but this definitely had some great moments.

Nobody commented because comments didn't exist when this was first posted.

Where's Jim Cramer?

Jim and Karen
Here's something I wondered. Why didn't Jim tell Karen why he really came to Utica, i.e. to stop Michael and Dwight from going too far? Bros before hoes, I guess. But don't you think she would have been more forgiving if she knew that Jim prevented those tow numbskulls from lobbing Molotov cocktails

As long as y'all cover BSG and Lost and The Wire when they all show back up.

I think it's more of a "Joss Whedon likes the Office" thing and just wanted to direct an episode or two. It isn't like these guest directors put in all sorts of stylistic flourishes they're known for. J.J. Abrams directed an episode, and you wouldn't know it from any other Office.

Kids don't like apples?
That's news to me. Apples were the top fruit to kids when I was young.

I don't like the way George is looking at me…

I totally forgot about that line. It was pretty spectacular.

Johnny Carlos
Loved the line about Jack's whites-only country club:

Been Looking Forward
to this one. I don't think I'll have the chance to see it, though, living in the boondocks.

There's nothing that makes me hate a contestant more than their decision to throw the challenges. I lose all respect for them at that point.

Danny DeVito
I'll say that DeVito wasn't great on season 2 of Sunny, but they really learned how to write his character. I think he's be great on the current season.

I hope
that the AV Club never reviews In Rainbows, just to spite all the people clamoring about it.

Filth Flarn
The reviews that appear on the AV Club website also appear in the print edition. Some reviews are shorter due to space constraints. Some are really short. But that's the nature of print media.