My Favorite Martin


You are lying I never hit you YOU ARE TEARING ME APART LISA!

And while he would appear in Season Four, John Ennis peaked creatively in Season Three.

They can't all be winners. Last season had a snakeskin/alligator dress with gelled hair that made her look like a reptile. Removing Cat's ability to strike out also removes her ability to hit home runs. I say, let Cat be Cat.

Everything I know about quantum physics I learned from What the Bleep Do We Know.

They're not twins, but they sure do look alike. It must be because they're Asi- er- siblings.

Also, I've always felt weird about the Bob Lamonta story because it makes fun of the mentally handicapped. It also makes fun of making fun of the mentally handicapped, and it especially makes fun of self-congratulatory brave ACtors who cry crocodile tears when Retards get made fun of.

Of all the kids on this show, this beer-and-frozen-peas kid is the best. The 'you'll never walk again' twins were cute but dragged on, the toe-knapper kid was distracting, the sick kids at the Make-A-Wish knockoff were distractingly bad, and the Dr. X kid was so terrible with his only line ("please don't kill me")

I just watched this- Season 4, Episode 9, "Sad Songs Are Nature's Onions". I wanted to see if it's actually Bob singing (I still don't believe it is), so I turned on the commentary. Instead, Bob told a story about how 'Mouth Full of Sores' is an autobiographical account of how his mouth was infected by bread mold,

Disagree on Larry Black (no waiting, no hesitating), which I found pretty weak as a premise and musical number. But I forgot completely that I "shouldn't mess with God's America". Maybe it's just that I like his singing when the jokes are funny and hate the singing when I'm not laughing. (I am a very simple man, I

JB can sing, David Cross can sing
But Bob just can't, and he knows it. I know it's a sign of Mr. Show Exceptionalism to give them a pass when Bob tries to sing, when I would just chalk it up to laziness on any other show. But they go to the Bob-Odenkirk-can't-sing-for-shit well so often on this show: the hated milk

Yueh! Yueh! Yueh! A million orgasms were not enough for Yueh!

Daniel, you have come here and you have brought good and wealth, but you have also brought your bad habits as a backslider. You've lusted after women, and you have abandoned your child. Your child that you raised, you have abandoned all because he was sick and you have sinned. So say it now- I am a sinner.

I'm of the opinion that Get Low by Li'l Jon was originally terrible, became funny as a result of Chappelle's Show, became unfunny as a result of the supersaturation of Chappelle's Show, and is now becoming acceptable again due to Twenty-Something Nostalgia.

As long as we're on the subject of bad songs and bands that sound like Pearl Jam, I would like to remind everyone of the lyrical catastrophe that is Paralyzer by Finger Eleven, the most-downloaded-on-iTunes rock song of 2007:

Glee has a history of taking these high school stereotypes (the jock quarterback, the head cheerleader, the sassy black girl, etc.) and twisting them around a little. Maybe the same thing will happen here with the WASP-y family.

It's also ad hoc. A player has The Look when they help win a game, and the team wins the game because a player has The Look. The fact that Bill Simmons DID make an effort to understand or praise statistics in baseball makes his reluctance to apply the same logic to basketball all the more frustrating.

The Wages of Wins
I don't know why he is so upset with the Wages of Wins. If you employ enough statistical tricks, you can fit an elephant to your curve, but I tend to think that Berri's analysis is legitimate. The contributions that players make individually combine to predict a team's win-loss record to a

Because people don't watch the shows. Say what you will about there not being enough promos or that it had a bad time slot on Friday nights, but the truth is that Fox could have justifiably pulled the plug at the end of last season instead of this one.

You aren't concerned that gambling encourages covetousness, materialism, and greed?