My Favorite Martin

You may recall the NBA referee who bet on games and was accused of changing his calls to cover the spread. College players (who don't get paid), have also been accused of point shaving. Gambling can hurt the integrity of the sport. Not to mention the fact that there are ethical issues involved (many people consider

The man was the first Tight End inducted into the Hall of Fame. Is it your contention that he did that just based on persona and a great name? He was NFL coach of the year in 1985 and 1988, has a Super Bowl ring as a player, assistant, and coach, led the Chicago Bears from having two winning seasons in twenty years,

Mike Ditka also coached the greatest team in history. And was a good player, to boot.

I especially enjoyed the part where the English white guy posited that hip hop dancing is about having a strong core, and the gay white guy rebutted that hip hop is all about action-reaction.

Next week: Cal and Gillian get stuck in an elevator together and have to work out their differences.

People walking out of show choir is pretty much the main activity outside of cleaning, concentrating on windows, facial expressions, and diction.

I thought they overcooked that a bit. If we are supposed to think that Will flunked the Cheeri-os out of spite in order to get his what he wants, doesn't that mean that he doctored the grades in the same arbitrary way he changed a B- to a B+ with the flick of a pen? Wasn't there supposed to be a conflicted scene