Lord Duluth

It's less a desire to see the original actors get paid than to have an ending to the arcs they developed.

Which is weird, since Curtis is both the least developed of all Misfits and yet has the most quality episodes set around him.

This is weird but I feel the opposite: S2 fucked S3. S3 had a chance on her own, sans Nathan (sad/face), but continued the shitty story it was given.

I wish Nathan would have met him; he'd tear Finn's psyche into pieces. It'd probably be the best acted scene in the series.

When you're right, you're right, and you're right! It took a night of sleep but I remembered how pissed I was at the end of the third finale and why: Overman scrambles to wedge Simon into Future Simon's role and the psychic was a plot device and nothing more.

Here's a total waste of time, since it's midnight here, but I wanted to go back in time and think of the few misfits that were A caliber.

I thought Simon was displaying some true heroics by choosing to die for this guy instead of kill him back, which I thought he had plenty of opportunity to do.

She knit some pretty rad leggings at that rave.

It doesn't help my memory of the episodes when I'm so blazed watching 'em.

That should have been a method of escape at some point. I did like how they played out the boob powers, with Rudy and Finn incapable against them.

I'm gonna say B+.

On 5., it'd be cool if this was the penultimate season's arc, instead making the conflict last more than a single episode. Dreams of serialization…

I've never been one to complain about spoilers, often times skirting the edge between peeking when there is a SPOILER tag, but c'mon! The previews count!

Two hard to make top ten ep list, but DS9 will forever have a spot in my top ten tv series, and it'll always be in the top three.  Might be only sci fi series on the list though.

Two hard to make top ten ep list, but DS9 will forever have a spot in my top ten tv series, and it'll always be in the top three.  Might be only sci fi series on the list though.

I'm guessing they're pathetic in every timeline, but Starfleet needs badasses to fight them.

I'm guessing they're pathetic in every timeline, but Starfleet needs badasses to fight them.

Extreme trek reference:

Extreme trek reference:

The codes he got at the start of the season led to the threat of bombing the VP & rest with camera batteries.