Lord Duluth

If a person's principles are based off of hate, but they sticked to them, wouldn't that make them "principled"?

It is baffling that people see the prominent characters from movies like The Godfather and Scarface as worthy of emulation. These characters are their own nemesis and influence their own downfall, at a tremendous cost to themselves and others.

The best version of this I read the other day: A male feminist walks into a bar, because it was already set so low.

She hadn't met Barristan by that time, and when she did he was dressed as Arstan. By the time she sees him in full white knight regalia, it would probably be long enough past that she wouldn't put the two together.

She would have recognized him then during the vision, instead of leaving it vague.

What kind of battle will it even be without Tyrion and Jorah in the Second Sons on the slaver side? Will there even be a battle with Yunkai submitting to Dany's will in ep1? They haven't set up any other sellsword companies or other locations that might be aggressors. Maybe Volantis but the visit there was super

I prefer keeping to each location for longer and less intercutting. It's closer to the POV structure and feels like each place has a story for the episode instead of a simply a placeholder in a season arc.

I think this is a way of passing the baton. He sacrificed his life to rescue Greyworm, who I could see as a member of Dany's future kings guard (should she ever sit the throne).

He's riding Dany's white horse into battle. She saw a vision of the horse dragging a dead man behind it. He's never seeing Dany again.

I'm not sure the combat skills of whoever is Melisandre's shadow-baby-daddy matters. I think it's the King's blood, whatever that means when you have people like Mance who are selfmade kings without the legacy seed.

I liked the variety of the dorne battle, such as Bronn's unique kill of each and the setup of Jaime saying he could take on maybe one. I'd still say I liked the Mereen battle more though, for Barristan's badassery alone.

They stole the one distinguishing aspect of the brazen beasts for the Sons, so I'd say the shavepate and his ilk will be ignored in the tv series.

It's the doorway to the North from the South.

Jaime for Aerys Oakheart seems a stretch. Ellaria Sand has taken Arriane's role as instigator to nefarious doings with Myrcella is definite, however they take form. But Jaime is definitely not going to join this plot to steal her; he's going to protect her from these very people. If Jaime is stealing anyone's

What the show is counting on is Sansa's revealing her identity to the Lord Declarant. He was raised with Ned and wanted to aid the Starks in the war. He's now assumed to be an ace in Littlefinger's pocket.

What I've found missing from the show is the Bolton publicly proclaiming deference to Tommen.

It seems to me that they build the episodes between a preconceived tag and whatever crazy teaser they can come up with. Everything is filler between the two.

I have enjoyed this show greatly and excited for an opportunity to talk the show in the forums. I've had a few points that I've wanted to discuss for some time. It felt great to see that the reviews were starting just as I got to the third season.

I disagree, there were a few consistencies that resembled rules.

That'd be right about where the engine sputtered out.