Lord Duluth

The codes he got at the start of the season led to the threat of bombing the VP & rest with camera batteries.

They probably couldn't afford the actors required as they had already spent too much to keep the Cardassian, Dominion, and Klingon characters.

They probably couldn't afford the actors required as they had already spent too much to keep the Cardassian, Dominion, and Klingon characters.

Listen to me, Major. You took a lot of risks. You played a lot of wild cards. And, you made a lot of fucking people do a lot of things they didn't want to do. You, Major, are a gaping asshole.

Listen to me, Major. You took a lot of risks. You played a lot of wild cards. And, you made a lot of fucking people do a lot of things they didn't want to do. You, Major, are a gaping asshole.

I'd say Bajoran politics and religion were an early favorite of mine.  It gave episodes like "storyteller" and "battle lines" depth that wouldn't be matched in VOY's take on the plots.

I'd say Bajoran politics and religion were an early favorite of mine.  It gave episodes like "storyteller" and "battle lines" depth that wouldn't be matched in VOY's take on the plots.

He is so overpowered at the end of the show.   The only way I can make sense of this episode is this Lethian-Zap.  It's an attack on consciousness, since another one was able to steal Kor's thoughts.  I say his supermind fought back with this scenario, something that those genetic lesser beings wouldn't

He is so overpowered at the end of the show.   The only way I can make sense of this episode is this Lethian-Zap.  It's an attack on consciousness, since another one was able to steal Kor's thoughts.  I say his supermind fought back with this scenario, something that those genetic lesser beings wouldn't

His last story was so lazy though, where he and Pope Bajor were tugged around on their puppet strings by the pah wraithes to The Conclusion.

His last story was so lazy though, where he and Pope Bajor were tugged around on their puppet strings by the pah wraithes to The Conclusion.

Exactly.  I'd say Klingons get some pretty great ones overall but there are a few crap ones that lower the average.  There also isn't one bad Cardy episode I can think of from the series (some Dukat related shenanigans not counting).

Exactly.  I'd say Klingons get some pretty great ones overall but there are a few crap ones that lower the average.  There also isn't one bad Cardy episode I can think of from the series (some Dukat related shenanigans not counting).

The week after those is looking pretty sweet too.

The week after those is looking pretty sweet too.

Spoilers - 
They'll try taking your Not-Sword.

Spoilers - 
They'll try taking your Not-Sword.

How about a backup for the backup?

How about a backup for the backup?

Shades of Grey's Anatomy doctor office scene.