
Air does not make strictly electronic music, and I don't think those are strictly electronic records…

How is it pronounced?

Get it off, get off, get off of me!
You hobo humpin' slobo babe!

You've been spooked by Spagett!

It's news because Steven Tyler left Aerosmith to join King Crimson.

"Shuffle This Way"

May I suggest a hip?

I hope everyone leaves Aerosmith.

First time I read Insomnia was in the summer between seventh and eighth grade. I was 12 and had never really thought about abortion in any capacity, so a lot of the anti-abortion satire stuff went pretty well over my head. I enjoyed the book and its strange, hallucinatory mood. It isn't perfect, and certainly runs a…

I'm thinking of the King novel GERALD'S GAME.

Refrain from bondage play.

I always loved this guy in The Big Lebowski and Buffalo 66. I never knew his name, nor that he had such a distinguished history. His work with Cassavetes sounds intriguing. Actually, I'm not so sure I've seen any of Cassavetes' directorial output.

The whole episode was a train wreck! Keee-reist!

Tim Allen gives me acute Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

What were the police officers doing with budgies?

The link contains a couple more examples.

(As Vineland was published several years after Buckaroo Banzai, this makes it somewhat of an interesting metafictional dialogue between the writers of Banzai and Thomas Pynchon.)

Yes: In Buckaroo Banzai (which, when I first saw it, catching it randomly on TV about a year ago, I instantly thought had a distinctly Pynchonian feel to it), the Red Lectroids are ostensibly employees of a company called Yoyodyne, which was also the defense contractor in The Crying of Lot 49.

i love the meta-cross-referencing between buckaroo banzai and pynchon's body of work.

You should try acid sometime.