
I went to a bunch of Tool shows during the Lateralus tour, but sadly missed out on 10,000 Days. :-( I hope they play somewhere around here again, though I'm not quite sure how optimistic I should be about the possibility/extent of future tours. They are becoming old men, after all.

I loved that skit dearly. Will Forte is a comedy god.

Norm MacDonald
Perhaps the most hilarious bad-ass from television and film.

that alone makes this lamentable. and i haven't even really seen any of these movies.


Funny shit!

Gallagher's entire sense of cause and effect is rather bizarre. He seems to habitually place far too much significance on trivial events in the emergence of much larger cultural trends. I.E. his notions that Bush says "ass" and now it is commonplace, and the fact that his watermelon smashing generated the popularity

Here's hoping this fucking freak burns in hell.


No. No, no, no, no, no, and no.

There is absolutely no reason to assume that someone who likes "noise/experimental" music is automatically a hipster.

What about "USA For Africa"? They were better than the individual projects of everyone involved.

I know there are better songs. There's just something about that song that gets me every time. The imagery is great and I love the mood.

Oh I'd throw in those albums from Groove Armada and Underworld, all right. Throw them right in the garbage.

"Hangin' Tree" is one of the best songs ever.

She had them ripped off by a chimpanzee.

'in a beautiful place out in the country' ep is extraordinary as well.

Used to love FLA in the 90s…I was unaware they were even releasing anything into this decade. Must check it out.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

Agreed wholeheartedly!