
I don't get Spike, but I do get to scroll past it in the channel guide all the time and think to myself "Shit I would love to watch Star Wars right now".

Whats Yahoo Serious up to these days?

Forgot about Jurassic Park. definitely a comfort movie for me. one of the most consistently enjoyable blockbusters of all time.

I used to watch Tremors all the time when I was a kid. I haven't seen it for like 15 years. I think i'd be afraid to watch it now and have my great memories of it shattered.

Man, there's a few…
The 'Burbs of course, Aliens, any of the Lord of the Rings movies…

Head of the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center, Tommy Davis.

Agreed! It's probably my favourite Nirvana album in general, actually.

I agree, the last several episodes have been awful. I keep waiting for it to bounce back, like, IMO, it usually does. But, it's not happening.

Larry David
Larry David makes me want to grow a moustache!

Blinking is the key that gets our dead thetans out of eye jail.

No, Glenn Beck is a political scientist.

I would think Beck would get out before Cartwright. She's a nut.

Scientology / Haggis
Scientology is a disturbing entity. Just thinking about it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Yet I think L. Ron Hubbard was perhaps one of the most fascinating people of the 20th century.

Fallon is the only late night host that seems like he's having any fun anymore. I used to hate him on SNL so I was quite surprised at how much I'm enjoying his show (for the most part). I love his "Thank You Note" bit.

I've actually never seen any of Jones' post-Python stuff. But I must say, I am a huge fan of Michael Palin's travel documentaries! And Michael Palin in general.

It is perhaps the pinnacle of wit.

What's your favourite episode? Pretty sure mine is Hotel Inspectors.

This is one of the finest interviews I've read at the AV Club, and certainly the best interview I've read with Cleese.

Even better is the fake microphone gag where he gets sprayed in the face.

It's a Joe Dante movie. Dick Miller's presence goes without saying. :P