
If we're talking about residue that turns people into assholes, I think the movie is "Ghostbusters 2".

Easter 2011

Tom Cruise
I must say, that is the most interesting anecdote about Tom Cruise that I have ever heard. I get a kick out of imagining him acting like that.

Also, I think Wendy Schaal, who plays Dern's wife, is Stan's wife on American Dad. Doesn't sound anything like her though.

Why doesn't anyone ever mention The Burbs? There is this rabid, cult fan base, but outside of that it is like this lost, forgotten little film. Yet it strikes me as a movie that should have garnered a more widespread notoriety, or at least recognition, by now.

It's also my favourite movie of all-time. It has been my favourite movie since I first watched it in 1990. I was eight years old. I must have watched it over a hundred times by now. It never gets old. Endlessly quotable. I think I'll put it on again this weekend.

Oh, and looked like he may be developing a case of meth mouth.

I was also convinced that Coyne was not a drug user. However, anyone who saw Wayne Coyne interviewed by Stephen Colbert a couple weeks back should have serious doubts about that. Guy was twitchy as hell.

MADE is hilarious. Peter Falk is great in that movie. And the ending is genuinely touching.

Shoulda went with Penthouse.

Yeah: he's often hilarious.

Her music really is vastly overrated. Too repetitive, for one.

There will be insufficient milkshakes!

Will there be cheese?

To hell with her!

Here, we refer to it as 'doing blades'.

Also, Joe Dante has a new movie out. A 'Burbs article would be oh-so-timely.

So Henry Gibson died. Can we get a 'Burbs write-up yet?

I'm still desperately awaiting a Failure reunion tour. Actually dreamed about it a few weeks back.