
I'm frustrated that Kenan Thompson will never leave the show because he has nowhere else to go. (I would love to see six-year term-limits put in place for Not Ready For Prime Time Players.) I am also disappointed that Lorne can't just admit that he made a mistake with Jost & Che and replace them both with John Mulaney.

No shout out to the great Richard Benjamin?

Is there any evidence that Tobey Maguire can do comedy?

"Please, Davy, don't! Please don't!"

What about "You Left Me Sore" by Todd Rundgren?

What about "You Left Me Sore" by Todd Rundgren?

Yet Keenan Thompson remains.  He's about to start his TENTH season!!  There really ought to be term limits for SNL cast members.

Yet Keenan Thompson remains.  He's about to start his TENTH season!!  There really ought to be term limits for SNL cast members.

I deleted the episode from my DVR after the really awful cold open.  1) How was Dwight able to get into everyone's hotel room? And 2) Does Dwight's reaction to Jim's prank makes any sense? I mean, Dwight enters the room (as Jim somehow knew he would) and sees a suitcase full of money, some sheets tied into a rope,

Randomly pairing up characters romantically is just lazy writing. Ann Perkins has now dated four series regulars (Andy, Mark, Chris, and, implausibly, Tom). How long before she gets to Jerry?

I hope it's not Pierce, though I suspect it might be. Leonard seems too obvious. Fat Neil would be too cruel. I kinda hope it's Chang - the show hasn't known what to do with him for a while now (he was more fun as a professor!).

I don't understand the reference to Steely Dan. I don't think they're particularly known for turning up on the Grammy stage every year.  Wouldn't, say, John Meyer, Tony Bennett, or maybe Carlos Santana make more sense?

I completely agree! I thought Elliott and Pharoah absolutely nailed Dunst & Gooding Jr.!  If you want to complain about really bad impressions, you should be singling out Keenan Thompson's Al Roker!

Agreed. I, too, was a bit surprised by the "HEAD" dismissal.

As a Monkees geek (note the profile photo), I thank you for writing this!

Not only does Jim write and self-publish a hard-cover book, but he doesn't even give the book to Dwight once it's written; he puts it on Ebay, trusting that Dwight, with a garden party on the horizon, will go to Ebay (of all the sites where one can find books) and search for a book about how to host a garden party and

I remember that! With Pam Dawber!

You didn't ask him about "Angie"?

"'Pandemonium' … it's based on the Hudson Brothers movie."
I loved the super obscure Hudson Brothers reference, until I realized Michael McKean fumbled it a bit: it was Tommy Smothers who starred in the 1982 horror spoof "Pandemonium"; the Hudson Brothers horror parody was 1983's "Hysterical". (I'm sure McKean

Ah, I've never seen "Glee"!