
That opening was a parody of the old 70's sitcom "Soap", right?

The Alt Comedy Fountainhead
Great choice for a 'Flops' entry! One quibble, though: you write that "for comedy geeks of my generation, ('Mr. Show') was the fountainhead, the place where it all began. From it sprang the comedy gods of the future, your Patton Oswalts and Sarah Silvermans and Jack Blacks and Paul F.

Liv refers to Todd as her "spiritual father" and they still have a close relationship. She showed her driver's license on TV once (Letterman?) and it had her name as "Liv Rundgren".

Classic SNL
I wish Nathan Rabin would take a look at SNL's extremely rocky 5th season.

Turning Jeff Into Sam Malone
So, apparently, Jeff is going to sleep with every woman who appears on the show? Brita, Pierce's daughter, a teacher, a fellow student's mother, and now even Annie?? What's left for Season Two? Shirley? Maybe a lunch lady? As Tina Fey said this week at the NBC up-fronts, randomly pairing

I'd love Bill Hader, being that he is essentially Aykroyd 2.0. If they've got to go female, there is only one choice: Anna Faris. I am definitely not for a bunch of Apatow players (although I'll watch Paul Rudd in anything).

A Soft Spot For Tom Arnold
I wish him well. He's refreshingly honest on talk shows and he was very good in "Happy Endings".

How About….
Bob Rafelson directing Lionel Richie's "All Night Long"?

Laugh Track
I tried to watch "I'm Alan Partridge" but couldn't get past the laugh track. I wish there was a feature where you could watch the episodes without it.

I, too, agree with Broctune! Won't Dexter's co-workers wonder why Dexter's wife was chosen as a victim? Wouldn't the police have to consider Dexter a suspect in his wife's murder? And if so, what could be his alibi?? He was off killing Trinity all night!

Hear hear, ehsteve14!

Am I The Only One Who Thought It Was Terrible?
Erin "adorably got swept up in the excitement and exhilaration of his beautiful lie"? I thought she came off as retarded. Ditto the Dunder Mifflin staff who were awfully quick to believe that Jim named himself employee of the year and purchased a cake with his own image

An F Grade from One AV Club Reader
So, who is grading shows they haven't seen?

I agree with Barf Man (a strange sentence to type). How did these characters make such a professional sounding recording? And who filmed it? The documentary crew? If so, why was Andy editing it? And would Ryan even participate in such a venture? The show works best the closer it stays to reality and this is way too