
Best talk show guest ever?

Guess all that money I blew on drugs doesn't look so stupid now.

So, no Spoiler Space…?

also works nicely with the "Iliad" translation of your choice…

I wandered lonely as a cloud…
And then the murders began.

That guy, he knew stuff….

I find it far more difficult to dismiss those "End of Days" folks than previously.

So much for that Led Zepp reunion…

Who keeps breaking the White House press corps' espresso machine…?

Oh, a Princeton alumnus!

Well, it ain't no "Sea Oak."

Expats who left the US during the Obama administration sure look a whole lot smarter now.
If not downright psychic.

Chickens aren't kitchens!

Dear Mr. King,
It could be worse.
You could be the author of "Red Alert"!

Hmmm, I rather doubt a movie with the most stunning visual effects since "2001" is going to go away anytime soon…

National Lampoon's "Find A New Boyfriend For Yoko" contest was way too soon but funny as hell.

Re: "I Wanna Be Black":
As if there was never a "fucked-up middle-class college student" who didn't wanna be black? So, nowhere near as un-cool as the people it satirizes.

I'm getting my ouroburos confused with my omphalos. Is this dangerous?

"B"? Oh, well in that case I'll just run right out and buy this.

Yeah, but I like tragic mountain climbing stories.
Guess I enjoy dying vicariously.