
Center for the Chicago Bulls during their three championships in the late 90s. Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, and Luc Longley, a 7-foot-2 Australian.

He might be at the bottom of the Blue Collars, but it's clear to everyone that the Blue Collar members hate each other, so there are plenty of opportunities to come once they turn on each other. Whereas the No Collars are as tight as they come.

I can understand why Will would want to flip: he was clearly on the bottom of the No Collar tribe, and he knows how tight the others are with each other. But his timing was atrocious.

I want a podcast segment comparing this cast to the '97 Bulls. Who, pray tell, is Toni Kukoč?

My money's on it popping up at the auction.

Yeah the BCs are disunited, but 8-person alliances always are. They won't end up voting 4-4-4, one faction will just ally with the Jenn/Shirin foursome.

"West Rhodesia"

I had to pause to collect myself after Rodney dropped a Luc Longley reference. For those unaware, Luc Longley was a 7-foot-2 Australian who played center for the Chicago Bulls during their second championship three-peat. With Jordan, Pippen, Jackson, etc.

It should be fun to watch the plucky No Collars + Shirin claw their way back. They're at a 4-8 deficit. It's just like the FoaFoa alliance in Samoa, except the people are waaaaaay better.

This is probably my least favorite episode in Survivor history. Be glad you missed it.

@DaltonRoss: Shirin giving a sob story on growing up with rich, pretty people in Orange County is the most White Collar thing she's ever done. #Survivor

I feel like we thought Kass was a joyless jerkface at this time in Cagayan. Then she turned out to be a hilarious person and terrible survivor player.

I do not think he's well-established. I think people believe he is winning because they love a cipher. Like how people thought LJ was winning.

Usually merge boots (Sarah, Josh, RC, Aras) are built up to be well-established characters. To me, Tyler seems more like a guy who goes home about two eps after the merge.

I think this episode was the last nail in the coffin for the Winner Tyler camp. He made a critical decision for his future, but was absent from the edit.

She could be a free agent, Sandra style. She isn't a social or challenge threat, so I bet people will find higher priorities.

After seeing Rodney's Scooby-Doo reaction to the vote, I can't wait for the inevitable nighttime blowup at the start of next week's episode.

Then why does he spend fifteen minutes chatting on a log with John Rocker's girlfriend?

Beats the Joanna Ward Rulebook.

Judging by her actions tonight, Nina certainly is studying playing from the Christy Smith Rulebook.