
In the last scene in the kitchen, Paige is right when she says to her parents "You always say we'll get through this but you never say how". But the hard truth is that they don't have a great answer for her. How will they get through it? She is looking for an end point (like the previous ep where she asked "is this

They copied all his computer files, so it must have been in one of them.

The problem is she doesn't know that (about making a fine situation turn bad). She's not a trained agent. Philip and Elizabeth haven't talked to her about it. I suppose they will have to do so now, but I bet they don't want to. It seems like they are having to improvise and react to her all the time - as parents have

Considering they both lost their fathers at young ages, they probably unconsciously see him as a father too.

There was an article on vox.com about this topic recently, about how many of these new infectious diseases are actually old but are just coming into contact with populations unused to them, in settings ripe for their development.

I wonder if Don will somehow be involved in the investigation of William's work in the lab. If he feels responsible for that too, then it just ups the shame quotient and would make suicide seem more likely. But it might be too far fetched, IDK.

Because it was easy to use. Easy like Sunday morning.


Seriously. She read the Bible pretty quickly. Why not some spy novels?!

Pillow talk. Tatiana told Oleg that the Americans had a military base they couldn't get into, but they contracted some of the work out to a third party, and they got in that way. He knows that the computer specialist she asked for did a good job. And that she is jokingly hoping not to destroy the eastern seaboard. So

My guess is that we never will.

No, it was Gabriel saying something like "you knew this job would end" or something to that effect. Which could mean them going back to Russia or something worse - being split up. I don't think William will talk.

It's incredible to think that Nina died and Martha was exfiltrated to Russia and the season isn't even over!!! Each one of those would be enough for most shows, but not this one. Amazing.

It reminded me of Dean kissing Rory in Gilmore Girls, where she said thank you after he kissed her. And then ran away. Teenagers!

My first thoughts are about the preview for next week. It was an incredibly spoilery preview. I thought Arkady was going to be PNG'd (persona non grata'ed) for the mail robot bug, but now I wonder if they will drop that investigation to just focus on William. But is Gabriel going to tell Philip and Elizabeth they have

When Stan told Philip about Gaad's death, he brought up the Thailand part like it was the first time. He didn't seem to recall having told Philip that before. So I don't think he'll associate Philip with it.

I can't recall ever even learning his last name. Maybe Philip and Elizabeth feel it would be too informal to call him Tim, given his self-importance.

I think that might be part of why Young Hee became so important to Elizabeth. She isn't someone Elizabeth would naturally gravitate towards, but with her, Elizabeth actually had fun. She said that to Philip after the very first Mary Kay outing - "it was different - it was fun". So Elizabeth has grown accustomed to

It probably feels like a death to Stan, so it makes sense he'd think of it there.

That's a great point about the threat of rape. I hadn't thought of that at all, but it is a huge trigger for Elizabeth. She couldn't protect herself when she was Paige's age, but she can protect herself and Paige now. And she did.
She also just got news about Martha from Paige, which seems like it's a trigger for her