
Elizabeth walked a dog when she did surveillance on the Northrop guy who was always fixing his car in the garage. But it wasn't their dog. It must have been a KGB dog.

It's definitely a multifamily condo in real life. In the pilot, you can see three mailboxes out front and there are three front doors - one on either side and one in the middle. Plus there is a two car garage opposite the one car garage the Jenningses use. The interior layout of their home makes no sense if we are

It would be fascinating if they did return to Russia. They and their children would actually be "the Americans" in whatever Russian city they landed in. It would be a huge change in the show, since there's no way they could come back to the US and resume their spying careers, but I would love to see them all living in

Based on how this season went, I feel like the new season will open with Philip and Paige entering the house. Of course Elizabeth will no longer be wearing her coat at all times, lol.

In this episode's podcast, the showrunners and Matthew Rhys all mention that moment when Henry looks at Philip as being important. It's right at the end of the podcast.

I am now imagining Philip telling Paige she can't date Matthew like that show where the dad tells the daughter - HIS FATHER IS THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY! - https://www.youtube.com/wat… . But this being The Americans, it would be much more scary. Angry Philip is scary,

Yes, that last scene was amazing. There's nothing inherently scary about a dad and daughter walking across the street while mom looks out the window. But that was some horror movie sh*t with the music and the way the camera stared up at the house.

Agree - the music is always good on this show, but it was huge in this episode. He's really good.

Oleg is so much taller than Tatiana. it always makes me laugh a little. They could have had the actress stand on a box but instead they revel in it.

Or someday Philip will say something about how lucky he is and a light bulb will turn on over Stan's head.

And how did she get passports for him? Won't the Soviets realize they are fake?

I liked the actor too. He looks like a believable mix of Philip and Irina.

She left him instructions… why? How? Oy vey.
Maybe he is being brought onto the scene in order to die. Philip will experience the death of a child, but without the show killing Henry or Paige. I would accept that. But otherwise it just feels forced. It probably wasn't that easy to leave the USSR to go to the USA in

I had the same feeling about the last scene. It was the way Elizabeth was staring out the window. On the one hand, they will all only be safe once they are in the house together. But on the other hand, it seemed so foreboding.

It did feel slightly contrived to have Mischa show up all of a sudden. Why does he want to find his father now? Why didn't he want to before? How did the authorities not find the stuff his mother left? Nina found Baklanov's letters in his mattress - you'd think they would have checked the grandfather's mattress. Is he

I KNOW! I will miss Arkady. He was one of the few truly grown-up people ion the show. Did his job well, didn't suffer fools, but cared about his people. Lev Gorn was fun to watch. Maybe he will get to run something back in Moscow where Oleg can work.

It felt like something Henry would have said, not a grown man.

Dylan Baker's deathbed monologue had me spellbound. This show has such talented actors.

I just don't want it to be Arkady!

IIRC, the crime rate in DC in the early 80's was very high. Vagrant murdered in parking lot probably wouldn't be front page news.