
Five! Five times now!

Four times on the RSS feed? Is this a new way of advertising?

Wins the site.

I saw him last year as a support to somebody (I don't remember who, but they really weren't my thing). He made the experience more palatable.

He has a point.

A challenge: I got to 00:51 before I couldn't take it anymore, motherfuckers

Excellent. Let's get married.

I'm annoyed at Little Britain for having immunised me to the trick long ago, because I knew if I hadn't seen the same thing so many times I would've pissed myself. I did laugh a little when he turned around and hit Frank with it though.

Disqus really does need to be fucking shot in any corporeal appendage it may have. They must be paying sites to adopt it.

This whole Disqus thing is a real headfuck when you use a standard user agent header on a phone, too. Boxes just show up as images and most of the page is all this web 2.0 dynamic crap, rant rant rant. BoingBoing went the same way too. Phandroid adopted it a while ago and I stopped commenting there; in fact for some

You didn't close that quote in the article. That means…WE'RE ALL IN THE QUOTES, IN THE ARTICLE

I can still recall the headline from the Daily Express a few years ago when the Mailwatch site used to be more obsessive about posting shitty front pages. They even named Tuesday "Diana Tuesday" as the Express's ongoing fixation seemed to be guaranteed to crop up on at least Tuesday of every week. Anyway.

The one I saw a few days ago was just "GORDON RAMSAY SEX DWARF EATEN BY BADGER".

I dunno, it kinda helped me. We don't have Fudgesicles in the UK (I'm assuming it's a genericised trademark?). Although I've always assumed it to be, in fact, a frozen, ice-cream-like snack, it's nice to have clarification. I'd never have actively sought it so I guess I owe this naked guy one.

Did anybody else read "completely separate breasts"?

Likely "John", but you're probably right on the "Griffith". You only really get that with names though, it's useless to try it with any other words.

I've been consistently impressed by how good she is in CH recently. It's a great environment for her to shine. She could just present Season 3 as her showreel and have done with it.

This new comment system confuses me. Too many buttons.

Mutter! Vater! Caribou…

I think the only distinction is that some fake redheads get called redheads. anyaroses, I think most guys prefer redheads. Or maybe I'm an egoist. Go look.