
I fucking love Bulworth. I'm still bemused by the fact that it's an excellent film. Everything about it is so, so wrong and should not work in any way whatsoever. And yet there you have it.

Silence in front of that many people would practically scream guilt.

Ah, I didn't realise that three episodes of Lone Star were sort-of-unfinished, VDW. I thought there were a whole four just sat in a cupboard somewhere.

if i can be bothered unblocking that. Shift the videos out the ads directory, dudes.

Oh my, very well done Mr Booth. Have an applause. You even got a stealth firstie there in the quote.

Now that I think of it, if anybody could be arsed to do it, all of the funny bits could probably be condensed into a ten-minute trailer that would increase the hit:miss ratio considerably. There's probably some despairingly sad superfan posting such videos on YouTube.

Got cancelled, remaining episodes pulled; then they started airing those remaining episodes about a month ago. Something they forgot to do with, hm, let's see, LONE STAR.

Well you just changed the article into a FACKIN' HUGE ONE, so you can't be that lazy.

I was in Dundee in 2006 so I'm pretty sure they should move the show there and make the main character Douglas the second-hand bookshop owner.

Seriously, it was a fantastic read. Normally I don't have time to sit down and really trawl an interview but this was very enjoyable.

I think I'd rather that most people didn't watch it. It was painful enough overhearing people trying to understand basic plot mechanisms in Lost.

Also, nekkid.

That weird spam -schtick post that I was about to reply to got deleted quickly. The man in black fled across the desert, and O'Neal followed.

Gimmick? I just post when I'm tired. I don't really talk to people much face-to-face so it ends up spilling out online.

I have now! But I think that tharr be pelican.

He's one of those I've never got around to listening to, and I could take or leave his acting/character on The Wire. But I'm fucked if his wasn't the most bland, tuneless, soul-deprived version of Way Down In The Hole not only across the series' run but the entire history of the song. I actually ended up skipping the

I enjoyed the part where you check yourself and said "Did I really just ask that?". It amused me. Keep it up, Robuttnik.

I would like to go there one day, when I can afford it. GET READY


I meant in nature nature, like in the wild nature. But thanks, I did learn something: THEY EAT FUCKEN FROGS