
Oh, and I always assumed that white ducks pretty much didn't turn up in nature (you won't see them in many bird books, for instance) but I've definitely seen a few in Nottingham. One up there seems to be in a courtroom though.

Shit, that came out longer than I expected

I have learned much today. I thought you guys were getting a sort-of-national-healthcare these days? I don't really know a huge amount about what is and isn't covered over here. If you can reasonably afford it, you pay a flat charge on every prescription you get filled (about $12), which could be many times more or

Life insurance? Seriously? I thought Aflac was a cleaning product. In the UK we just get old people to do the life insurance and stairlift adverts.

Cheers Prole Hole! It's a time thing more than anything else, so that helps out. I'm used to BBC stage productions so I shouldn't have a problem with that aspect. I'd also completely forgotten about Peter Davison whom I quite like.

I'mma let you win this one because the sky's getting light which means it's now EXTREME BEDTIME. But death wishes aside, thanks for the info.

Fuck, I completely forgot your name in Fringe today, Broyles. You'll always be Daniels to me.

I've got a Machine Of Death certificate telling me how I die but I don't remember what it says, and it's too late/early for me to go hunting for it. I'm not sure what it is about Mancunian accents on TV, with the exception of Life On Mars, but they all sound off or exaggerated to me. Shrugz0rz.

Good point on the alien, cappadocius. Reminds me of a time an English teacher was telling me of his idea of producing A Midsummer Night's Dream with the fairies completely non-anthropomorphic.

I don't really have a problem with the classic stuff, I just can't see myself having the time to find the good ones. I saw a few back in the early nineties on (I think) BBC2, and would occasionally find one on a video and watch it for the hell of it. I also remember watching the Paul McGann film when it was first

Oh fuck, I'd forgotten about Tennant. I think I've been in a room when one of his was on too.

Yeah, czar threw me too. We can share it if you like.

Meh. Hey, they were badly acted, and they didn't seem to have much in the way of a script either. Things could have changed since then. At least I didn't just skip the entire article!

There always seem to be consistently high grades given for the good Doctor here. Now I haven't seen many classic episodes, and only happened to see parts of a couple of the Christopher Eccleston one when they were on, but they seemed terribly badly acted and catered to too wide an age range to be watchable for me.

Region blocking! Well, I'm fucked if I'm changing my headers for a 30 Rock cartoon preview.

Permanent black box in Operawr on Windows, but I can see quite a lot of requests going out to external sites from this page. Then again, I can never fullscreen embedded content on the AV Club in Opera (hint hint).

I think he was just acting cool. You know, 'cause it was so hot.

What is this I don't even?

Other way round.

Leland Palmer?