
And yes, it fucking rocks; and manages to namecheck The Corner by the end of the third paragraph.

BoingBoing killed it. If anybody wants to read it, grab a copy from Google's cache. It'll ease the load on the poor site owners, too, who've been apologising for the problems.

I like it when somebody abbreviates something and you get it, despite never having seen the abbreviation before.

Hm. Looks like I'm mixed up. I thought Toy was the Outside follow-up.

I clicked through to this article thinking "that's cool, but it won't be Toy". WRONG! I fucking love Outside and this makes me happy.

You're my new hero. It has the ring of a government-mandated ultimatum.

It was posted in the original article on here!

You know the three notes at the end of the West Wing theme? After Jimmy Smits started appearing in the credits, me and my girlfriend started singing "Jimmy Smits" to those notes every episode. True story there.

Am I the only person that can see the grades? In all the other articles too, it's like Day of the Triffids

Paul Giamatti
Paaaaaaaaaaaul Giiiiiiiiiiiiiamaaaaaaaatti

da whoop

Hey, thanks for the support. No, it wasn't an automatic; and the more I think about it the less I'm inclined to give up. There really are some fucking idiots on the road, so I must have a chance. Plus I am not to be outdone by either ten- or seventeen-year-olds.

"God, he looks fucking weird"

Pretty good. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but worth it to hear Pegg's eerily accurate C3PO.

as an adverb


Am I the only one who had trouble deciding whether it was better or worse than the Black Eyed Peas song with the days of the week in it? I'll dig out a good video about that in a minute.

So it's not just me, they are REALLY young? I tried driving for the first time this weekend and I sucked completely. I can't pull away without stalling sixty percent of the time. I'm already feeling bad about that and then I see a bunch of fucking ten-year-olds driving some shits around a greenscreen.

This article doesn't need to turn into a Lynch discussion. It should be about the article, which is a fine work in and of itself.