
Agreed, they are just jokes. texasannie's point is great. Hopefully Gottfried sees it that way too. How likely is it they'd have pledged anything otherwise?

I got this text from my friend back in September:

I'd say The Sting, because I've seen it. I think. I have a poor memory. Thanks for the breakdown though, they both sound good enough to keep me going!

Agreed on MacLachlan in Twin Peaks. I love him for Twin Peaks alone. He really does just define the role, which doesn't happen very often in anything.

I remember back in the day, when we had Electronics Boutique in the UK (and they fucking rocked — there are, and I challenge anybody to disprove me, NO chain stores worth a visit for games in the UK now), finding a copy of Blood Omen on PS1 in the preowned basket. The people also looking in the basket seemed a little

I'm sticking this in the top thread in the hope that it gets answered.

It is damn funny, but leaves you feeling very unsatisfied overall if you're familiar with his other work.

You're correct, Merk. I enjoyed reading it, although it was a little short. It's a shame your recent diagnosis will prevent you from ever meeting her.

They neglected to mention Rene Auberjonois, who plays the skeleton that wants alcohol. I fucking love this film, and the DVD came out 8 years ago here!

MohdTaufiqTerrorist, that's one of the things that weirds me out about her. I know by rights I should probably be attracted to her, but I can't be, because she always looks exactly the fucking same. Her hair's too straight — always — and her makeup and face always seem to be identical. It's really fucking freaky.

I really, genuinely liked both of the Kelley shows I've seen — The Practice and Boston Legal — but I'm unsure about this one. I'm running out of things to watch, but this does sound a little heavy-handed.

CC Baxter pretty much won on the firstie here.

Are these kids being themselves or acting? How old are they? I can't tell how old anybody is, let alone kids. Some of them are alarmingly eloquent and/or witty. Have I missed something? What the fuck is going on? Am I meant to have seen the YouTube videos first? What year is this? WHO'S THE PRESIDENT?

I hate the use of Photoshop on principle, whether used well or badly;
but that really is about the worst fucking shoop collage I've ever seen.


All these comments and nobody's excited about All The President's Men? FUCK YOU ALL Y'ALLS

I'd like to say that my teeth ARE FUCKING KILLING ME and if dentists didn't have to WORK SO LITTLE for SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY then I wouldn't have had to wait ALL FUCKING WEEK to spend MY FUCKING BONUS on a COCKING ROOT CANAL.

Completely dicked up all the capitalisation there.

She was in the Royle family?

Nuh-uh. I'd seen The Sopranos too recently to go through the reviews, I want to let it lie in my mind.