
This news will make my sleep sad. He came to my school to do readings, lectures and signings, and he was clearly a very funny, kind-hearted guy. He repeatedly and politely shot down the Star Trek obsessive who was constantly asking about continuity errors he might have noticed, and had a good little anecdote about the

James Franco IS
Simon Adebisi

Use RSS. I haven't seen the front page in over three years.

What's the tt—ttt-ttime?
Diaper time.

Starring Javier Yarnem
For the love of God work on your Opera support

Looks like you just killed the chance of his new song getting a good grade!

I'll give them a go then. I miss these books already, and I only finished about a year ago.


I made sure to get old editions of the first three when I read them a couple of years ago; but intended to buy the newer versions too and read them at some point. Is it not worth it?

What about Woody Allen? He's from NY.

Shirley Maclaine as the Tick-Tock Man

+1. Thank you. It's been great. Stick 'em in a book and I'll put it on my wishlist.

The worst part is that I understood all that.

Qu'est-ce que c'est
this "Quet"?

I wish we had PBS in the UK
So I had any reason what-so-fucking-ever to watch TV, and the possibility of intelligent discussion with other people. It makes me sad.


This was a good thread. Cake for everyone!

He could be a fat gay chick now.

I never watched the original when it was on over here
which was, bear in mind, many years ago. But Bill H Macy in a US remake? I can get behind that shit.

Cheers Vader! I've never quite figured out what the line between some of the cable channels was — I guess basic cable is either free or part of a package, and premium is direct subscription.