
Definitely crushing wasps with his cock.

Yeah, I remember reading an article around the time Abattoir Blues was coming out, and he said he's got an office in Brighton — an office, no less! — that he goes to like a working Joe to write his songs. He picks up an Avril-Lavigne-lookalike junkie for lunch (except for Thursdays, that's Subway day) and then heads

I had no idea they had released another album! Guess I'm ten months late.

fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight

I think different countries are more inclined to restrict the distribution of media for different reasons. I've always thought that the US has more of a problem with language (especially on network or sponsored TV) than with sex, and sort of the opposite here in the UK. Australia, I've heard, can go batshit

Scratch that, he wasn't in a bathrobe. My mind adds details to suit the situation.

Last I heard he had Alzheimer's and dementia and couldn't remember playing Columbo anymore. I find it odd that he appeared in this video, but I guess it may have been filmed a while ago because he looks younger than he did in those pictures of him shouting at the pavement in his bathrobe.

I just assumed they were chopping things up. Despite the fact that everything that wasn't in the original appeared to have been added for either the trailer or the 3D effect, by the time the theme tune kicked in and I saw the CQC in the fight with The Boss I fell in love with Snake Eater again. It's probably the last

Still didn't give a shit when I saw the trailer, despite having a thing for leotards. I guess Natalie Portman puts me off films. Oh, and ballet as an art form.

Say thankya.

Are you fucking serious?

Marty: Paul Dano
Doc: John Malkovich
Biff: Clancy Brown

Shit! Completely missed that. Good spot, sir.

Thanks MondoMatty! I haven't used cdwow for about 7 years and completely forgot about their imports!

Joachin? Really?
If you need a good lot of information about START and want to have a blast at the same time, just play Metal Gear Solid and listen to the codec conversations with Baker and Nastasha (especially in the warhead storage building). It makes for fascinating stuff. Just try to play the original PlayStation

I'm actually going to get my first ever Criterion since finding out this was released. I'll just go down to Fopp and OH WAIT CRITERION ARE TOO FUCKING GOOD FOR THE UK MARKET.

We win!

You're just pissed off that you didn't get to see tits, aren't you?

"The LA UTI EP makes like one of those old Marvel "What If" comics, pairing seven of Fec's bog beats with seven different indie-rap entities".
