

Now I remember
Didn't a Paul Simon song of this name come with Media player in XP or on my K800 or somewhere like that? And don't start an article with B&S-bashing.

PHM really is a great fucking album. Good enough to buy again with only a remastering and one bonus track, though?

That said, Noel, email subject fields don't allow formatting.

Aw, ZMF. Always brightens a dreary day.

Jesus' blood
Never failed me yet
Never failed me yet
Jesus' blood
Never failed me yet
This one thing I know
For he loves me so

That wasn't up to your usual standards. Tired?

I never said I was John Lennon.

Riggle and Smigel?

Yeah, Nick Cave? Srsly?

Know what, Todd? I think you've sold me. I shall buy it forthwith, and read it within the next ten years (seriously, that's how I seem to operate).

(Because of the commenter, that is. I haven't read any of her books. What do I look like, an intellectual?)

Failed stealth, SarCC. Didn't know you had it in you.


But facepunch started out as "I'm going to punch you in the fucking face", so we should begin with "I'm going to stab you in the fucking dick" and see where it takes us.

God I've missed you Nicole.

Mine was so old that the stickers did that sort of peel-into-two-layers thing that gives you a completely white cube and a bunch of non-adhesive coloured squares.

It was meant to be Space! Though if it didn't air, that would sure explain why I haven't found a Legitimate Purchase of it yet on the Internet.

They gave the Jericho nuts to charities. They'd have to be quick with apples though.

You'll love it.