Cutty Snark

Yes, my shame knows no bounds.

His name is pronounce thusly:

He will be
sadly missed.

You're full of shit.

Has anyone else noticed
the prostitute's name means "profane calm" in English?

No, you ignorant hillbilly.

Armpit, AL
Bloomerville, MA
Shakerag, MO

Yeah, they had some good songs in the late sixties. Check out their cover of "Baby Please Don't Go". Also their original "Great White Buffalo" after Nugent had turned into the Great White Hunter.

You sure that wasn't J. Geils?

Ted Nugent was also in a band whose members proclaimed themselves to be peers of the realm.

It would seem that only a certain segment of the white population feels this so-called "white guilt". A Mr. A.P. Carter roamed around Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee in the 1920s and 30s shamelessly appropriating folk, traditional, hillbilly and gospel songs for his own repertoire and then taking credit for writing

I'm glad to see that you finally registered that username, Sar'nt.

But he won't ever have the rack Carly had on that one album

A one sentence review:

As far as I can tell, Tom Cruise doesn't have anything to do with anything.

That father sounds like me
Except I'm not a drunk.

Oh, hell
Is this going to be another Lev Grossman clone?

Hipsterdbag: Los Lobos sang a song about you.

Laid to rest, that is.

What planet
does someone come from that would believe watching (and abetting) a person you loved drink him/her self to death is romantic?