Cutty Snark

U2 hasn't made a good album since Achtung Baby.

There, there McG.

So, Hank..

FDD: "it's not like you rehearsed…"

Plop Plop
Piss Piss

Here's one you might check out: Whenever We Wanted from the early 90s.

Mr Fhtagn: Why would a promoter schedule two such disparate acts together. Guster is way more lively that RLM, at least to judge by the latest releases from each. I could only make it about 2/3 of the way through this album from RLM before the sandman came calling.

Just because, that's why.

Nice one, Ace.

She should have
taken that poor misshapen blob of, uh flesh? straight to the, uh blob hospital that morning instead of trying to be one of the upright citizen's brigade.
Maybe next time she has a pet she'll know better.

Uh, Charlie

PW got caught chokin his chicken, huh. How many males in the world can honestly say they have never flogged the monkey. The very existence of so many metaphors for masturbating should convince any sane person of the universality of such a practice.

It is indeed Friday, good sarCCastro!.

Thank you ever so much unicyclistperiscopes_with_the_attack_cat_avatar.

As I said before, I am much obliged to you, Mr. Dubrovsky.
Although I'm still unsure what exactly "jock champers" is.

Hello, everybody!